2020 Impact Report

Home » 2020 Impact Report

2020 was a challenging year for many, including pregnant and birthing families. Government mandates and hospital policies attempted, many times successfully, to ban doulas from providing in-person birth support, as well as isolating birthing people from their partners and babies. During the stay-at-home orders and shut-downs, ICAN Chapter Leaders have adjusted to video conferencing and continued to host support meetings for the over 27,000 families in our online networks. Even with virtual school and working from home, more than 12,000 volunteer hours were dedicated to continuing ICAN’s mission of improving maternal-child health by reducing preventable cesareans through education, supporting cesarean recovery, and advocating for vaginal birth after cesarean (VBAC).

We’ve added new members to our Executive Team this year – Directors of Education, Curriculum, Webinars, Fundraising, Support, and Treasurer, as well as opening many new chapters throughout the world.

New webinars have been added, and our wonderful Webmaster has given the website a much-needed updated appearance.

We are so grateful to announce the results of fundraising this year. A combination of ICAN chapter and executive fundraisers led to over $20,000 in donations from all of YOU for use in chapter and organizational efforts. As an entirely volunteer led and operated non-profit organization, donations are essential. These funds will be used to continue ICAN’s mission.

Thank you for your support in this challenging year! We look forward to working with you in 2021 to improve maternal-child health!


ICAN Board of Directors

Brianna Barker
Justen Alexander
Janelle Blackmore
Samantha Wall
Brittany Healy
Tatiana Dudziak
Kelly Hufnagel


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