Activism and You

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I’m curious to hear about others’ experiences with activism within their communities and whether you feel being involved with ICAN and the resources we provide has encouraged you to be a more outspoken activist than you otherwise would be.

I tend to be a very introverted person–I was a pretty shy child and even as I matured, I maintained a small group of friends with whom I was really comfortable, but I was never really the girl who felt comfortable engaging with people I didn’t know.  Being involved with ICAN, going to support meetings, engaging others in discussions both online and in real life has really helped me come out of my shell, so to speak, and I’m now a pretty vocal “VBACtivist.”  I carry ICAN brochures and business cards in my diaper bag and I find having these ready to hand out helps me engage people more easily than ever before.

So what about you?  Do you consider yourself an activist?  How does your activism manifest itself? What differences has this made in your life?

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