HealthGrades 2011 Obstetrics & Gynecology in American Hospitals Full Report

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Earlier this week, we posted a link to a story about the new study that found a new 34% high for the cesarean rate in America.  The full report has been published and is available for review here.  The report includes a ranking of the best hospitals in the nation for both maternity care and gynecologic surgery.  There is a good discussion on cesareans–including discussion on the rising trend as well as factors leading to the rise–although, as mentioned, the report contains the dubious claim that cesareans are indicated when a woman has had a prior cesarean delivery.  The report also includes data on the percentage of cesarean v. vaginal deliveries by state from 2007-2009, along with a comparison of the risks of a cesarean delivery v. a vaginal one.  Check out the full report and leave your comments on it below.

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