Cesarean Awareness Month!

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It’s Cesarean Awareness Month and here at the ICAN Blog, I’m excited to share a lot of great birth stories, guest posts, videos and more during the month of April! As a reminder, if you would like your birth story to be featured on the ICAN Blog during this month (and it hasn’t been featured on the Blog before), please email Melek at blog@ican-online.org for further guidelines.  The firm deadline is April 20, but you are encouraged to submit earlier so that all entries may be shared.  We will also have discussion on VBACtivism and how you can get involved in activism in your community, as well as a guest post on vaginal breech birth vs. scheduled cesarean for breech and more.

Stay tuned tomorrow for the first birth story of CAM!

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3 Responses

  1. I’m looking forward to the posts on VBACTivism and breech birth. I feel like I need to do more in my community regarding VBACs. And since Jack was a breech baby, I am interested to see the research on vaginal breech births.

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