Activism & You

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From Kelly Fischer, Chapter Leader of ICAN of Northeast Iowa.

1. Thank A Provider – solicit your chapter supporters to each write a thank you letter to at least one of their care providers, or as many as they’d like.  For any care providers who are local and hospital based, offer to drop off the letters to your local hospital.  Start the letter by saying “In honor of April being Cesarean Awareness Month, I wanted to take a moment to thank you for….”

2. Expand the “Thank A Provider” campaign by dropping off large platters of baked goodies or treats (homemade by your chapter supporters?) to all of the prenatal clinics and Labor+Delivery units at your local hospitals.  Include a poster or card saying “April is Cesarean Awareness Month – thank you for [your excellent service to the families in our community]!  From ICAN of [your chapter]”, and signed by your chapter supporters.  Include contact information for your chapter.

3. Dedicate A Day Campaign – ask your chapter supporters to dedicate their Facebook status for one day during April in honor of Cesarean Awareness month by posting a fact about cesarean or VBAC related factoid.  Start each factoid: “April is Cesarean Awareness Month: ….” How many of your chapter supporters are on Facebook?  And how many friends do each of them have?  This exposes information about cesarean awareness to a potentially very large audience many of whom may not have been previously introduced to this topic.

This might count more as outreach, and less activism, but that depends on the film you choose to show..?
4. Host a Movie Screening of a birth related film – and invite care providers! Offer some kind of gift to every [hospital based] care provider who attends!

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