ICAN Names Nicole Goddard the August 2015 Volunteer of the Month

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11846221_10204942348858620_1601140442_n (2)The International Cesarean Awareness Network is powered by the selfless efforts of our numerous volunteers. We cannot thank our dedicated volunteers enough for their cooperation and service in assisting ICAN with accomplishing its mission.

In an effort to acknowledge some of our amazing volunteers who work tirelessly behind the scenes to offer support, education, and advocacy for the mothers in their area, the International Cesarean Awareness Network is pleased to announce Nicole Goddard as the August 2015 Volunteer of the Month.

Nicole Goddard, this month’s honoree, is a Southwest Regional Coordinator and has served in the position for two and a half years. Nicole has also served as a treasurer with ICAN of Phoenix during her six years as a dedicated volunteer for ICAN.


Get to know our August 2015 Volunteer of the Month:


How long have you been an ICAN member?

I found ICAN and became a member 6 years ago.


How did you first find ICAN?

My first birth ended in an unnecessary cesarean, and I suffered from PPD and guilt for the way my birth ended up. I googled all sorts of stuff pertaining to VBACs and support with my depression issues. I found ICAN and got directed to our local Phoenix chapter which at the time was pretty dormant. I didn’t receive anything back for a few months and again lost hope in future dreams for a better birth. Finally I received an email from a gal who was trying to get the chapter started up again. I attended my first meeting shortly after that and remained active in the Phoenix chapter for four years and was the Treasurer for two of those years. It makes my heart so happy to see just how much that chapter has grown and completely changed the birthing community in that area. I became the Southwest Regional Coordinator two and a half years ago and have enjoyed every minute of the work and help I’ve been able to provide.


What motivates you as a volunteer?

Giving back has always been a big deal for me and to give back to an organization who has done so much for me and so many other families makes me feel very good. I’m motivated by the resilience and strength of others. I’m also motivated by my own personal experiences and the challenges I’ve had to overcome to get to where I am today. Many of us have experienced challenges or moments that have shaped us into who we are today and the work to which we choose to dedicate our lives.


Do you have a profession or any other passions outside of ICAN?

I’m a happy mother to two beautiful girls and a wife to an amazing husband. My first baby Ashlee just turned six and she’s my cesarean baby. My second baby Reagan is three and my vbac baby. We live in Parker, Colorado;  a suburb of Denver.

My other job is at Southwest Airlines as a flight attendant, which I’ve been doing for 14 years. My hubby is also a flight attendant and that is obviously where we met (smile). In my spare time, I enjoy snow skiing, water skiing, hiking, and camping.

My husband is also involved in nonprofit work. After losing his brother 10 years ago to suicide, he started his own nonprofit organization to help fund research on the causes to suicide. We’ve been busy organizing our first 5k run which will be held in a few weeks.


What was your proudest moment as an ICAN volunteer? What about your hardest?

I have had countless proud moments as an ICAN volunteer, from helping place a very discouraged mom with the right support in her community to a chat on the phone with a mom who thought she was out of options. I was there once and to know I tried my hardest to make a difference made me very satisfied and proud.


Thank you Nicole for all that you do to support birthing women!

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