Jesse Franks Named ICAN February Volunteer of the Month!

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ICAN is pleased to honor Jesse Franks as our Volunteer of the Month Feb 2016!
ICAN is pleased to honor Jesse Franks as our Volunteer of the Month Feb 2016! 

The International Cesarean Awareness Network is powered by the selfless efforts of our numerous volunteers. We cannot thank our dedicated volunteers enough for their cooperation and service in assisting ICAN with accomplishing its mission.

In an effort to acknowledge some of our amazing volunteers who work tirelessly behind the scenes to offer support, education, and advocacy for the mothers in their area, the International Cesarean Awareness Network is pleased to announce Jesse Franks as the February 2016 Volunteer of the Month.

Jesse Franks, this month’s honoree, is a dedicated volunteer out of ICAN of Phoenix in Arizona. She’s done great things for her area and for all of ICAN!

Get to know our February 2016 Volunteer of the Month:

How long have you been an ICAN member?

I have been a member and volunteer since late 2010 for both my local chapter and ICAN national. I’ve filled several roles: Assistant Chapter Director, Regional Coordinator, Facebook Admin (I started sharing followers questions and tripled our “likes”), New Chapter Ambassador, and ICAN of Phoenix Co-Leader.

How did you first find ICAN?

Actually, my husband found ICAN for me. I was dealing with postpartum depression and I was really feeling lost. He was looking for something, anything to help. I went to every meeting available. I cried a lot, learned a lot, and started to come out of the darkness.

What motivates you as a volunteer?

I want women to have options and informed consent. REAL informed consent. Too many women are only given one sided statistics and it’s unbelievable to me that in this day and age we are being so mistreated during childbirth. Pregnancy and birth should be as calm and gentle as possible, not full of scare tactics and misinformation.

Do you have a profession or any other passions outside of ICAN?

I have 3 wonderful girls aged 5 1/2, almost 4 and 16 months. My passions (outside of the birth world) are running, crochet, arts and crafts in general, and trying not to lose it while raising 3 kids. Every once in a while my passions collide and I love it. Hopefully someday I can attend a VBAC/PPD/crochet/painting/wine night. But I’m not going to hold my breath.

What was your proudest moment as an ICAN volunteer? What about your hardest?

Honestly anytime I get a personal message thanking me for my help and encouragement it makes me proud and keeps me moving forward with volunteering.

We appreciate you so much, Jesse! Thank you for all that you do to support birthing women!

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