Introducing Veronica Colon Perez, our newest leader in Puerto Rico!

Home » ICAN » Introducing Veronica Colon Perez, our newest leader in Puerto Rico!
ICAN is excited to announce Veronica Colon Perez as our newest chapter leader! She has completed training and will be leading ICAN Puerto Rico Area Metro!

Tell us about the birth climate in your area.

We serve families in the metro area of Puerto Rico. The best thing about the birth climate in my area is that there is a couple of obstetricians and midwives that assist VBACs. In Puerto Rico it is not legal nor illegal to have a homebirth with twins and or breech babies; it’s just not regulated. I would love it if the health insurance companies would cover prenatal care and births assisted by midwives.

Welcome in ICAN, Veronica!
Welcome in ICAN, Veronica!

How did you find out about ICAN?

I found out about it on Facebook. The cesarean rates in my area drew me to the organization. I am excited about being part of an organization that is compromised to improve maternal-child health by educating women, because I am driven to educate women so they can have humanized birth experiences and prevent unnecessary cesareans. I wish people knew ICAN can educate women to help them have better outcomes in their birth experiences and help women recover from a cesarean.
What are some of your strongest beliefs about cesarean/VBAC awareness?
I think cesarean/VBAC awareness can help lower cesarean rates.
How would someone describe you?
Someone would describe me as a passionate and charismatic person when it comes to empowering and educating women about humanized birth and breastfeeding.
Please share a little about yourself!
I’m a psychology graduate and mother of two. My passion is to learn the more I can about breastfeeding to educate and help women to breastfeed successfully their babies. I also love taking pictures of memorable moments and editing them.
Welcome, Veronica! We can’t wait to see how you impact your community!

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