Announcing Melissa Stern, our new leader in Phoenix!

Home » ICAN » Announcing Melissa Stern, our new leader in Phoenix!

ICAN is excited to announce Melissa Stern as our newest chapter leader! She has completed training and will be leading ICAN of Phoenix!


How did you find out about ICAN? What drew you to our organization?
 My midwife told me about it.


What part of being an ICAN Chapter Leader are you most excited about and why? 
I’m excited to have an opportunity to reach women and help them to have an empowered birth.


What do you wish other people knew about ICAN? 
We’re there for the mamas that have had cesareans, are pregnant, thinking about getting pregnant, had a CBAC or had a VBAC.


What would you say are some of your strongest beliefs about cesarean/VBAC awareness?
Many people ARE good candidates for a VBAC, and many mothers have been misinformed as to the real reasons they didn’t have a vaginal birth the first time. I hope to empower women through knowledge a lot of encouragement to ask the right questions, and explore VBAC as an option for them with multiple providers.


How would someone describe you?
Creative, multi-talented, relentless, loyal, extremely honest and your best advocate.


Please share a little about yourself.
 I’m married to my husband Jon, we’re celebrating our ten year wedding anniversary this year! We have a 65 pound, four year old golden-doodle puppy, two year old twin girls, and a 7 month old daughter. We’re both Arizona natives, and recently moved back to Phoenix after living in Portland for five years.

Prior to becoming a full time mom, I worked in educational technology helping districts and schools bring their students, teachers and communities into the 21st Century. I have a bachelors in International Business from Arizona State University, a post degree in Secondary Education, and a Master’s degree in Educational Psychology/Counseling from The University of Arizona.

In my free time, I love doing The Bar Method workout, trail running, cooking, painting, and learning new things.

My husband and I struggled with 8 years,of infertility. We had our twins via IVF, born healthy and full term by cesarean, then followed by a spontaneous pregnancy with my 3rd daughter, born HBAC in January if this year!


Where is your chapter (region)? What areas does your chapter serve?
 Southwest, Phoenix, Arizona


If you could change one thing about the birth climate in your area, what would it be?
The midwives take a hard hit in this state making birth options extremely challenging outside of an medical office.


What is the best thing about the birth climate in your area?
 ICAN, the midwives and doulas are great!


Your first/next meeting time, date, location, and topic?  
Aug 24, 7pm, Difficulties during birth.

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