Day 20 – One Pregnancy Risk Every C-section Mom Should Know About

Home » Education » Day 20 – One Pregnancy Risk Every C-section Mom Should Know About

pregnancyriskpin“And so, there is power in knowledge.  If you know about these risks ahead of time, you can make more informed decisions regarding your family, and the number of kids you can physically carry.  But also, you can know the importance prenatal of care.  The importance in finding doctors that you are comfortable and confident in.  If you are reading this, and you are facing this right now, know that there is support! …

Prenatal care is so important.  If there is anything I want you to take away from this, it’s that.  Missed diagnosis of Placenta Accreta, becomes life-threatening very quickly.”

. . . Read the whole post over at



Read about ICAN’s Accreta Awareness Month.



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