Day 29 – Virtual Blood Drive (con’t)

Home » Advocacy » Day 29 – Virtual Blood Drive (con’t)

blood-driveOctober is nearly over, but the need for blood donations isn’t. Even if you weren’t able to donate this month, we implore you to find time throughout the year to make a difference to those at risk from accreta and other birth-related blood loss. This one small act of kindness can potentially save three lives! The Red Cross has to collect 15,000 blood donations every day to have enough blood to help patients in 2,700 hospitals and transfusion centers across the country. That’s a lot of patients in need and all of us, coming together, can help ensure they receive life saving blood. Please help to make sure that blood products are available to all moms that may be in need!

A huge thank you to all blood donors!



Read about ICAN’s Accreta Awareness Month.


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