Closing – Accreta Awareness Month 2016

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As October ends, we would like to thank everyone who supported ICAN Accreta Awareness Month. The reach this month was amazing; the information that went out reached over 21,000 people. The more the information was shared, the more moms spoke out about how they and their families have been affected by accreta. Conversations about accreta, especially when those conversations include loss, can be very difficult. Though fear and anxiety make these discussion uncomfortable, it’s important that they continue.
Too many moms face the choice to VBAC or schedule a repeat cesarean knowing only about uterine rupture, never having been told about the risks of accreta and the 7% mortality rate that that they may face in a future pregnancy. Women should always be given the complete risks and benefits on both sides, and then should be supported in their decision. At the end of the day, the mothers and their families are the ones that have to live with the outcome.
A very special thank you to the moms that shared their stories and the families that shared with us their hearts and the life of a loved one that they lost to accreta. We honor you all, and we will never forget your loved ones.
Thank you to Gina Walker, the founder and the CEO of the Hope for Accreta Foundation, for all of your support this month. You can find more information on the Hope for Accreta Foundation at
Thank you to Kmom for your support and allowing us to share your very informative series on accreta. You can continue to follow Kmom at
To keep in touch with us all year long and to continue the conversation about accreta, please join us at



Read about ICAN’s Accreta Awareness Month.


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