Kimberly Cooper joins ICAN of Tampa Bay as our newest chapter leader!

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ICAN is excited to announce Kimberly Cooper as our newest chapter leader! She has completed training and will be leading ICAN of Tampa Bay!

“Cesarean/VBAC is a very personal choice. Every mom deserves the chance to make an informed decision and not be pressured into making a decision that she is not comfortable with. She should be presented with the risks and benefits of all the options available in order to make the best decision for her and her family.” ~ Kimberly Cooper, ICAN of Tampa Bay

Tell us about the birth climate in your area.

The cesarean rate is 37% in our area. I feel that many moms are not aware of their options, most go along with what their provider pressures them into due to fear. The climate is changing with hospitals reversing their “VBAC bans” and more providers providing evidence-based care.

What drew you to ICAN? What part of being an ICAN Chapter Leader are you most excited about?

I was referred to ICAN by my birth center midwife right after I had my 1st child in 2008. I thought that my only option was a repeat cesarean when I was pregnant with my 2nd child in 2011. With the help of ICAN and my original midwife, I was able to find a new provider that helped me to achieve my first VBAC. Becoming an ICAN Chapter Leader has allowed me to find a way to empower and educate women about their birth options, I am so excited about this opportunity to help others. I think that I will also continue to grow and learn more about myself! I wish more people knew that ICAN is about more than just promoting VBACs. It is a wonderful place of supportive women, who will encourage and educate each other about their childbirth options in a non-judgmental environment. It is also a place of solace for women to heal from their birth experiences.

Please share a little about yourself!

My friends and family would describe me as enthusiastic, compassionate, and loyal. I am a Nurse Case Manager for a national hospital corporation, I obtained my degree from St. Petersburg College and Pinellas Technical College. I am married with 3 children. In my free time I enjoy reading, crocheting blankets, and cooking.

Congrats, Kimberly! We can’t wait to see what you and your chapter get up to!


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