Meet the Leadership: Sarah Holsombeck, ICAN of Birmingham

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ICAN is excited to announce Sarah Holsombeck as our newest Chapter Leader!


“I believe good things are on the horizon for mothers and babies in our city and in this state.” ~ Sarah Holsombeck, ICAN of Birmingham

Please introduce yourself to ICAN:

I live in Birmingham, AL with my husband and currently stay at home full time with my three kids. I have a BA in Spanish from The University of Alabama at Birmingham and have worked mostly in education and non-profit environments. I love to learn about and immerse myself in other languages and cultures, and in another life, I’d be traveling the world right now. My husband and I are both musicians. Like any good and proper Southerner, I love to eat good food, cook good food, and share good food with others in my home. I have 3-year-old twin girls and a 5-month old son, so I recently became a big fan of coffee.

What led you to join ICAN?

I found out about ICAN through my doula after my first cesarean. Because I am a CBAC mom, I’m particularly passionate about caring for my fellow CBAC moms as they process their births and make plans for any potential future births.

How do you share ICAN as an organization with others?

I believe that equipping women with knowledge and real facts about cesareans/VBACs not only empowers those women to make more informed choices about their births, but it also gives those women as consumers a chance to really change the entire birth culture in their communities for the better. I wish they knew that ICAN isn’t just about promoting VBAC or the prevention of unnecessary cesareans, but that it also exists to support women who have been through one or more cesareans.

Where will you be serving women through ICAN?

The Birmingham, AL metropolitan area. We are starting to see women begin to take ownership in their own pregnancies and births. And after a decade of fighting for Alabama women and midwives, we finally decriminalized the practice of midwifery statewide! Though we still have a long way to go, I believe good things are on the horizon for mothers and babies in our city and in this state.

Please share your upcoming Chapter meeting:

Our next meeting will be October 19th at Train Smarter, 1105 Durston Avenue, Birmingham, AL 35213.

Congratulations, Sarah!

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