Meet the Leadership: Katie Peternel, ICAN of Annapolis

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ICAN is excited to announce Katie Peternel as our newest Chapter Leader!


“I want others to know that ICAN is not against all cesareans. Instead, their goal is education and advocacy, and to reduce unnecessary cesareans while promoting VBACs.” ~ Katie Peternel, ICAN of Annapolis

Please introduce yourself to ICAN:

I am married, have one son (Cole – 1.5), and another on the way. When pregnant with my son, I prepared for an unmedicated, intervention-free hospital birth. I agreed to be induced at 41+2, was unable to have an epidural due to low platelets, pushed for 3.5 hours, and then head a cesarean due to “arrest of descent”. When Cole was born, he was taken to the NICU for 1 hour, but then joined me in the recovery room. I was disappointed in almost every aspect of my birth experience, and I look forward to being a better advocate for myself and for other women in the future as an ICAN leader!

I was a self-contained special education teacher working with children with autism out of college and now I am a behavior specialist for a local school system. I like to crochet, needlepoint, and craft even though I never have the time! When not pregnant or breastfeeding, I love wine!

What led you to join ICAN?

I found out about ICAN through an internet search after the birth of my first child. I did not have any friends who had struggled with their cesareans, or any friends who had VBACs. I thought that if I was searching for this type of support in my area, certainly other women would be too!

How do you share ICAN as an organization with others?

I am most excited to share information and create a support system to mothers in my area. I have learned so much through the ICAN leadership training, and I know that my knowledge and passion for the ICAN mission will only grow as I meet more women, and connect with birth professionals in my area. I am very excited to learn more about the birth community in my area and surrounding areas.

Where will you be serving families through ICAN?

The chapter will serve the Annapolis area including Anne Arundel County, PG County, and Queen Anne’s County. I would love to reduce the rate of cesareans in the local hospital, and increase knowledge and awareness of VBACs. There are 2 midwife practices, one in a freestanding birth center and the other in a birth center attached to a hospital. There are also multiple doula groups, prenatal yoga and family yoga classes, and supportive mom groups.

Please share your upcoming Chapter meeting:


Congratulations, Katie!

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