Home » 2009

Baby Says: Better the Car than the OR!

The UPI reports of a baby born in a car on the shoulder of an Illinois highway today: An Illinois woman says she and her newborn are doing well after the woman’s boyfriend helped deliver the baby inside a car along Interstate 72. And… Holeman said she and her boyfriend, 24-year-old Justin Howell, were driving […]

Best of the Birth Blogs – Week Ending December 27th

Your weekly one-stop for highlights from the birth blogosphere. Visit weekly for the latest on childbirth, especially related to cesarean prevention, recovery, and VBAC. To nominate a blog post to be featured here, email me at blog@ican-online.org The Unnecessarian – Do You Suffer From Physician VBAC Hysteria? Quite a ruckus in the blogosphere this week […]

Top 10 Reasons to Support ICAN in 2010!

Looking for a last minute gift for a woman you love? Need a place to spend that holiday cash from grandma? How about a subscription to ICAN? Here are 10 very good reasons to become a subscribing member of ICAN in 2010. Thanks to several chapter leaders for these great ideas! Top Ten Reasons to […]

VBAC: Is it Safe? (VIDEO)

Thanks to Cesarean Epidemic for posting this video of Dr. Stuart Fischbein discussing the relative safety and risks of VBAC vs. repeat cesarean. He also touches on informed consent and ACOG.

Best of the Birth Blogs – Week Ending December 20th

Your weekly one-stop for highlights from the birth blogosphere. Visit weekly for the latest on childbirth, especially related to cesarean prevention, recovery, and VBAC. To nominate a blog post to be featured here, email me at blog@ican-online.org Birth Activist – Loyally Devoted to Doctor: Jennifer shares some thought-provoking reflections on why women might feel bonded […]

Joy Szabo: Don't Roll Over and Take it

By now you’ve probably heard that Joy Szabo had her baby by VBAC (vaginal birth after cesarean). You can read about her fight for VBAC here. She graciously agreed to answer a few questions for us about her experience. Congratulations, Joy! ICAN Blog: You received a fair amount of media attention for your fight to […]

A typo of surgical proportions…

CNN posted a wonderful article today about Joy Szabo’s VBAC, but someone on the editorial staff hit a few unfortunate keystrokes here: Oops.

All I want for Christmas is…an induction?

The graph below shows how births vary by day of the week and even by holidays using data on births from the CDC during the months of November, December, and January from 1994 to 2001. The blue lines depict the actual number of births, while the red lines show the average number of births by […]

Misrepresenting the risks of cesarean (again)

While MSNBC should be commended for it’s recent article on unassisted childbirth, it also joins the ranks of media  misrepresentations of the true risks of cesarean surgery. Here’s a breakdown of the article: On the growing prevalence of unassisted birth: The number of home births unattended by either a doctor or a midwife jumped by […]

Duggars Support VBAC

Michelle Duggar (of TLC fame) is a VBAC mom thirteen times over. She and her husband Jim Bob had hoped for a fourteenth, but their newest baby girl was born at 25 weeks by emergency cesarean on December 10th. Nevertheless, the family remains pro-VBAC and even mention ICAN on their website. As reported by The […]

Best of the Birth Blogs – Week Ending December 13th

Your weekly one-stop for highlights from the birth blogosphere. Visit weekly for the latest on childbirth, especially related to cesarean prevention, recovery, and VBAC. To nominate a blog post to be featured here, email me at blog@ican-online.org Science & Sensibility – A Case of Statistical Malpractice? Predicting the Risk of Uterine Rupture: Amy Romano calls […]

ICAN on Capitol Hill

ICAN’s Advocacy Director Gretchen Humphries posed with Peggy Robertson who testified before the Senate Health, Education, Labor and Pensions (HELP) Committee about her insurance denial due to previous cesarean on October 15th. Read more about Peggy’s story here.