Best of the Birth Blogs – Week Ending January 17, 2010

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Your weekly one-stop for highlights from the birth blogosphere. Visit weekly for the latest on childbirth, especially related to cesarean prevention, recovery, and VBAC. To nominate a blog post to be featured here, email me at

Birthing Beautiful Ideas – Sex After C-Section: The Advice that Women Do (and Don’t) Need: After much controversy in the blogosphere this week, Birthing Beautiful Ideas promises a helpful series on sex after cesarean.

Birth Cut – Q&A With the Artist from Michele interviews a birth artist about her cesarean experiences and artwork. Be sure to check out both sites for some compelling images.

Motherlode – Is Refusing Bed Rest a Crime? The case of Samantha Burton’s court-ordered best rest, which resulted in the cesarean birth of her stillborn baby, has made waves in the blogosphere this week. Motherlode summarizes the case and explores the slippery slope of state intervention vs. the rights of pregnant women.

Preparing for Birth – Sisterhood of the Scar Revisited: Desiree shares a reflection on her birth into the “Sisterhood of the Scar”.

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