Best of the Birth Blogs – Week Ending January 31st

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Your weekly one-stop for highlights from the birth blogosphere. Visit weekly for the latest on childbirth, especially related to cesarean prevention, recovery, and VBAC. To nominate a blog post to be featured here, email me at

Reality Rounds – Thirsty During Labor? Just Be Quiet and Suck on a Wet Washcloth: RR finds the humorous in the recent news that research says eating in labor is safe.

Women in Charge – My Lovely C-Section by Katherine Taylor: One woman’s story of having an empowered birth, despite it turning from planned home birth to transfer to c-section.

Science & Sensibility – Lamaze International’s Recommendations for Preventing Maternal Deaths: A critical reflection on the Joint Commission’s new recommendations for reducing maternal mortality. Case in point: “We need to make surgical births as safe as possible. However, if we eliminated the overuse of cesarean sections we would eliminate even more deaths and injuries.”

The Unnecessarian – A Few Excerpts from Health Care Practitioner Blogs: Jill pulls together some thought-provoking blog posts from a few birth professionals.

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