February 7, 2010

Home » 2010 » 02 » 07

Mother-sized Activism: Tell NBC What You Think!

Welcome, birth advocates, to our third installment of the “Mother-Sized Activism” feature on this blog, where we take an issue and put the relevant information together so you can grab a few minutes out of your day and help make a real difference. So many of us can get overwhelmed thinking of all the work […]

Best of the Birth Blogs – Week Ending February 7th

Your weekly one-stop for highlights from the birth blogosphere. Visit weekly for the latest on childbirth, especially related to cesarean prevention, recovery, and VBAC. To nominate a blog post to be featured here, email me at blog@ican-online.org The blogosphere was full of reactions this week to the Today Show’s “Live in the OR” segment showing […]