Rachael Ray's Dr. Ian: VBAC Should be a Woman's Choice

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In case you missed it, talk show host Rachel Ray featured Joy Szabo’s fight for VBAC on her show yesterday. In a segment called “Going Too Far?” Medical Edition, Dr. Ian and Rachel discussed VBAC bans an the rights of women to choose whether or not they have a cesarean. See the video here:

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3 Responses

  1. I really wish they would have really talked about the issues much more. 🙁
    So much more information, and education could have really reached a mainstream audience.

  2. It’s not an insurance issue! I encountered the same thing in that same hospital. My insurance covers VBAC just fine and my doctor even recommended it. This was actually a case where the city hospital has only one anesthesiologist, and he lives outside of town. When he said he didn’t want to spend all day in town whenever a woman wanted a VBAC, that’s when the hospital changed it’s policy. Though they never said as much, even the local doctors seemed a little miffed about it.

    I think in this video the doctor made it sound like the risk of uterine rupture was severe and that a successful VBAC was rare. I like that he supports a woman’s choice in the issue, but I wish he would have mentioned that VBAC is basically safe for most women.

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