CAM Birth Story #1: A Tale of Two Births (In Pictures)

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In honor of Cesarean Awareness Month 2010, we will be filling the blogosphere with stories from real women (and their families) who know first-hand the consequences of a 32% cesarean rate. Each day we will post at least one birth story submitted by these women. Prepare to be moved (hint: grab a box of Kleenex)!

As the ICAN blogger, I thought I’d go first by sharing with you my birth stories in pictures. My oldest son was born in June 2003 by cesarean. I was induced at 41 weeks, 3 days with Cytotec and wound up in the OR under general anesthesia. My younger son was born in May 2008 at home, in the water with my husband and our midwives on hand. I think the pictures say it all…

Micah’s first moments of life. Can you find the baby in the sea of gloved hands?

Micah’s first moments with mommy, two hours after birth:

Luke’s first moments of life and his first moments with mommy:

Micah meets daddy:

Luke meets daddy:

New family #1:

New family #2:

Originally posted on the ICAN Twin Cities Blog. Read my full HBAC story here.

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