Speakers Announced for ICAN Conference

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The complete list of speakers has been announced for the ICAN Conference 2011: Your Gateway to a Better Birth, being held April 8 – 10 in St Louis, MO.  Please see the conference website:  http://conference.ican-online.org/speakers.htm  for the full listing.
This year’s conference speakers are among the most recognized, respected and innovative names in the birthing community! Speakers include Henci Goer, Pam England, Gail Tully, Isa Herrera, and Dr. George Macones, PLUS popular bloggers and respected ICAN personalities from across the nation are joining the three day conference.
Could the ICAN Conference be relevant to you?  With the recent news that the cesarean rate hit a record high of 32.9 percent in 2009, even women without a prior cesarean and those with prior vaginal births are being affected.  Now is the time to highlight ICAN’s core values of prevention, recovery and advocacy. The ICAN Conference will be fun, educational and energizing!
The details of speakers’ topics and sessions are currently being finalized and will be available SOON!  While you wait, take advantage of the early bird registration discount of $99 for current ICAN subscribers and $150 for non-subscribers!  Register now! The deadline for early bird registration is February 1, 2011!  Those who register now will receive an email to confirm their session choices when those details are available.  If you’re thinking about becoming an ICAN subscriber to get the best discount to attend the Conference- now is the perfect time!  Consider subscribing with your local ICAN chapter and that way a portion of your money will help families in YOUR community!  To find a chapter near you click here: https://stg.ican-online.org/chapter/search
To keep up with all the latest ICAN Conference details visit the conference website at: http://conference.ican-online.org/index.htm      We also have a Facebook page for updates about the conference:  http://www.facebook.com/home.php#!/icanconference
A Facebook event page:  http://www.facebook.com/home.php#!/event.php?eid=131839326851228
And a Yahoo group:  http://health.groups.yahoo.com/group/icanconf2011/

The complete list of speakers has been announced for the ICAN Conference 2011: Your Gateway to a Better Birth, being held April 8 – 10 in St Louis, MO.  Please see the conference website for the full listing.

This year’s conference speakers are among the most recognized, respected and innovative names in the birthing community! Speakers include Henci Goer, Pam England, Gail Tully, Isa Herrera, and Dr. George Macones, PLUS popular bloggers and respected ICAN personalities from across the nation are joining the three day conference.

Could the ICAN Conference be relevant to you?  With the recent news that the cesarean rate hit a record high of 32.9 percent in 2009, even women without a prior cesarean and those with prior vaginal births are being affected.  Now is the time to highlight ICAN’s core values of prevention, recovery and advocacy. The ICAN Conference will be fun, educational and energizing!

The details of speakers’ topics and sessions are currently being finalized and will be available SOON!  While you wait, take advantage of the early bird registration discount of $99 for current ICAN subscribers and $150 for non-subscribers!  Register now! The deadline for early bird registration is February 1, 2011!  Those who register now will receive an email to confirm their session choices when those details are available.  If you’re thinking about becoming an ICAN subscriber to get the best discount to attend the Conference- now is the perfect time!  Consider subscribing with your local ICAN chapter and that way a portion of your money will help families in YOUR community!  To find a chapter near you click here.

To keep up with all the latest ICAN Conference details visit the conference website.We also have a Facebook page for updates about the conference, a Facebook event page, and a Yahoo group.

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