March 2011

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ICAN Conference: Pre-order Speakers' Books!

If you are going to ICAN’s 2011 conference in St. Louis, don’t forget you can pre order the speakers books or Cesarean Voices. You must pay by paypal and pick it up at the conference.  Check it out! If you are going to ICAN’s 2011 conference in St. Louis, don’t forget you can pre-order the […]

From "McBirth" to Homebirth

ICAN mama Rebecca James was recently interviewed on about her journey from having a “McBirth” to homebirth, with a little help from ICAN along the way. She had this to say about how ICAN helped support her after her traumatic cesarean surgery: It is hard to find support after a cesarean! Most people don’t […]

She Wants a VBAC, But Her Partner's Not So Sure

ICAN’s Education Director Krista Cornish Scott has published an article on called, “Planning a VBAC When Your Partner’s Isn’t Sure.” Krista provides tips for dealing with this situation such as acknowledging fear, asking your partner to listen to how your cesarean affected you, and approaching your partner with their learning style. Krista writes, “Getting […]