April 2, 2011

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ICAN Conference in the News

ICAN’s upcoming conference (April 8-10) was recently featured in the St. Louis Post-Dispatch. While the conference will cover issues, such as caring for a Caesarean scar, legislative advocacy and delivering breech babies, the weekend will focus on educating women and health-care professionals about the latest evidence regarding vaginal births after Caesareans, said conference director Maureen […]

Buy Healing Art, Support ICAN!

Amy Swagman is a mother, doula, and fine artist in Denver, CO.  For the month of April in honor of Cesarean Awareness Month she will be donating 10% of all sales to ICAN, plus 20% of sales from her pieces on cesarean, healing, and VBAC. Amy will also be speaking on birth art and activism at […]