Buy Healing Art, Support ICAN!

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Amy Swagman is a mother, doula, and fine artist in Denver, CO.  For the month of April in honor of Cesarean Awareness Month she will be donating 10% of all sales to ICAN, plus 20% of sales from her pieces on cesarean, healing, and VBAC.

First Kiss


Amy will also be speaking on birth art and activism at the ICAN conference April 7-10 along with Alahna Roach, Art Therapist.  Register for the conference today and sign up for Amy and Alahna’s breakout session, “A Thousand Words” where we will discuss creating and facilitating birth art as well as using it as activism to change our current birth climate.

Amy SwagmanAmy started making mandalas during her pregnancy with her third daughter to meditate, practice relaxation, and process difficult emotions tied to her upcoming birth.  By creating a mandala almost every day she helped prepare for, and ultimately create, the beautiful and gentle home birth she desired.  She loves encouraging everyone she meets to tap into their creativity and value the process of creating while silencing their inner critic. Through her artwork she hopes to honor all mothers and the various ways they birth and love their children. Find out more about Amy and her work at or

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2 Responses

  1. Just fell in love with your art today, Amy, and I think my purchase today has you nearly to your goal! And thank you ICAN for all you do. I’ve never had to have a cesarean, but I am so passionate about birth and will for the rest of my life do what I can to lower the cesarean rate and help moms heal from their experience if they did.

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