Open Thread: ICAN Conference Reflections

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conferenceDid you attend the 2011 ICAN Conference in St. Louis this past weekend? If so, we’d like to hear from you!

Use the comments section here to share your favorite quotes, moments, images, and any personal reflections you have from the conference. If you’d like to write a longer reflection to post as a stand-alone blog entry, please email

Photos also welcome! We look forward to hearing from you.

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  1. I had an amazing time and can’t wait to share so much wonderful information with my chapter, birth community, and doula clients. I have to say that the most eye-opening information to me though was just the mere fact that scar stretching is a GOOD thing! It has been over 10 years since my cesarean and I’ve been very careful to not do any exercises, stretches, or moves with my body where I felt tugging/pulling at the scar, believing that pain meant “don’t do that.” I had no idea that kind of thinking was incorrect. I was completely blown away with Isa Herrera’s session with all her incredible info on post-cesarean care of the scar and muscles. I look forward to having her slides available to share with all the cesarean moms I know and love! Thanks Isa for your great work and for ICAN for knowing what an important topic this was to cover!

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