April 22, 2011

Home » 2011 » 04 » 22

More evidence that less is more

Evidence continues to mount that increased use of interventions in childbirth, such as induction and cesarean, are not necessarily beneficial to mothers OR babies. In a study published this month in the Journal Maternal-Fetal and Neonatal Medicine, researchers found no evidence that higher rates of cesarean benefit babies. According to the study’s author Dr. Christopher […]

CAM Birth Story: Katharine's necessary cesarean

This birth story, in honor of Cesarean Awareness Month (CAM), comes from Katharine Evaul. Katharine says, “I was suggested to send this to you because while many c-sections are unneeded, sometimes they are. At the same time complications because it is major surgery arise.” To have your birth story posted on this blog, email it […]

CAM Birth Story: Abigail's Birth Story

This birth story, in honor of Cesarean Awareness Month (CAM), comes from Jessica Angell. To have your birth story posted on this blog, email it to: blog@ican-online.org Once I got to the point of being “checked” at my OB appt, my OB commented that my pelvis was tight so a c-section was always in the […]