April 25, 2011

Home » 2011 » 04 » 25

CAM Birth Story: Ilka's Cesarean

This birth story, in honor of Cesarean Awareness Month (CAM), comes from Ilka Szilagyi. To have your birth story posted on this blog, email it to: blog@ican-online.org Well, my story is a tale of complicated things. First of all, you have to know that midwifery in Hungary is borderline illegal, since there were no laws […]

CAM Birth Story: Jessica's Cesarean

This birth story, in honor of Cesarean Awareness Month (CAM), comes from Jessica Baldwin. Jessica previously posted this story on her and her husband’s blog. To have your birth story posted on this blog, email it to: blog@ican-online.org We were 23 and 24 when N5 was born. We wanted a natural birth, to be defined […]