April 28, 2011

Home » 2011 » 04 » 28

CAM Birth Story: Brandy's HBA2C

This birth story, in honor of Cesarean Awareness Month (CAM), comes from Brandy Pankau. To have your story posted on this blog, email it to blog@ican-online.org. Well I am not even sure where to begin! I guess I will start with my first birth with my oldest son.  It is September of 2004 and I am […]

CAM Birth Stories: From Cesarean to Empowering CBAC

This birth story, in honor of Cesarean Awareness Month (CAM), comes from Jordan Bucher. Jordan says, “I wanted to send the story of my cesarean and my attempted HBAC (that turned out to be an incredibly empowering CBAC) for Cesarean Awareness Month. I hope other ICAN blog readers can find some inspiration from my experiences, […]