April 30, 2011

Home » 2011 » 04 » 30

Signing off…Stay Tuned!

After three years as the ICAN blogger, it’s time for me to retire. But don’t worry, the blog will go on! Stay tuned – my replacement is in the works. It’s been a pleasure for me to volunteer for ICAN in this role over the past three years. It’s especially been an honor to read […]

CAM Birth Story: Sarah's HBA4C – "An Incredible Feat!"

This birth story, in honor of Cesarean Awareness Month (CAM), comes from Sarah Fuerstenau. To have your story posted on this blog, email it to blog@ican-online.org. My birthing story begins back in 2005 when I had our first child. I had prepared myself for a natural, drug-free vaginal birth but I ended up with an […]