April 2011

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More evidence that less is more

Evidence continues to mount that increased use of interventions in childbirth, such as induction and cesarean, are not necessarily beneficial to mothers OR babies. In a study published this month in the Journal Maternal-Fetal and Neonatal Medicine, researchers found no evidence that higher rates of cesarean benefit babies. According to the study’s author Dr. Christopher […]

CAM Birth Story: Katharine's necessary cesarean

This birth story, in honor of Cesarean Awareness Month (CAM), comes from Katharine Evaul. Katharine says, “I was suggested to send this to you because while many c-sections are unneeded, sometimes they are. At the same time complications because it is major surgery arise.” To have your birth story posted on this blog, email it […]

CAM Birth Story: Abigail's Birth Story

This birth story, in honor of Cesarean Awareness Month (CAM), comes from Jessica Angell. To have your birth story posted on this blog, email it to: blog@ican-online.org Once I got to the point of being “checked” at my OB appt, my OB commented that my pelvis was tight so a c-section was always in the […]

State Cesarean Awareness Month Proclamations

In honor of Cesarean Awareness Month, many local ICAN chapters apply to have their state’s governor officially proclaim April as Cesarean Awareness Month in their state. Here are the states that have done so for 2011. Email me if your state should be on this list: blog@ican-online.org Arkansas Georgia Iowa North Carolina City of Saskatoon, […]

CAM Birth Stories: Ami's cesareans

These birth stories, in honor of Cesarean Awareness Month (CAM), come from Ami Smith. Ami says, “In honor of Cesarean Awareness Month, and given that I’m 21 weeks pregnant and planning a vba2c this time around, I did a series of posts on my blog covering my previous deliveries and what has led me to […]

CAM Birth Story: Nikki's VBAC

This birth story, in honor of Cesarean Awareness Month (CAM), comes from Nikki Hauser. To have your birth story posted on this blog, email it to: blog@ican-online.org Beanling’s birth timeline Monday 8/9/10 was my 41 week 2 day appointment with Doc Tate. Went out to the office, has my NST (little girl did well) and […]

Birthrights Video

Have you seen Al Jazeera’s new documentary – “Birthrights” – about cesarean and VBAC in the United States? It features ICAN of Atlanta and others in our birthing community. Check it out!

CAM Birth Story: Nikki's cesarean

This birth story, in honor of Cesarean Awareness Month (CAM), comes from Nikki Hauser. To have your birth story posted on this blog, email it to: blog@ican-online.org I wrote this when I was 19 days PP with Doomling, my son. Okay, I finally have time to type this up. I will say it ended up […]

Cesareans Don't Protect Against Incontinence

Contrary to popular belief, cesareans don’t protect women from incontinence. According to a new study, women who have had only cesareans are less likely to have urinary incontinence than women who have had all vaginal or both cesarean and vaginal births. However, rates of urinary incontinence are still relatively high (40%) among women who have […]

Sweepstakes Winner!

Congratulations to Bronwyn Fackrell, winner of the 2011 ICAN Survey Sweepstakes! A few weeks ago, ICAN posted a survey asking for feedback. Bronwyn was the lucky winner of a drawing for a giftcard to the ICAN bookstore as a thank you for participating. Thank you to everyone who participated, more surveys are coming soon!

CAM Birth Story: Emma's "Beautiful" Scar

“That’s a beautiful scar” When I was younger I always envisioned birth as you saw it on TV… a woman who was rushed to the hospital in the throws of labor, her water broken signaling the start of the process, quickly hooked up to an IV that would take away all the pain, and then […]

Open Thread: ICAN Conference Reflections

Did you attend the 2011 ICAN Conference in St. Louis this past weekend? If so, we’d like to hear from you! Use the comments section here to share your favorite quotes, moments, images, and any personal reflections you have from the conference. If you’d like to write a longer reflection to post as a stand-alone […]