April 2011

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CAM Birth Stories: Deena's Cesarean and VBAC

These birth stories, in honor of Cesarean Awareness Month (CAM), come from Deena Blumenfeld. To have your birth story posted on this blog, email it to: blog@ican-online.org Owen’s birth story: My c-section (click to read the full story): “5:08 am – Owen was born.  He started crying with only his head out.  His apgar scores […]

CAM Birth Story: Sarah's VBA2C

On the night you were born… Emily Ann Jacobs 08-03-10, 8:08 pm, 8 lbs Our first daughter was born on Memorial Day, 1 week after her due date via c-section. I was induced with Pitocin and only after laboring 6 hours did the doctor suggest a c-section. My husband and I agreed, because we didn’t […]

New! ICAN Support Pillows

ICAN debuted our newest support offering at our 2011 Conference in St. Louis. Designed by talented ICANer Mallory Brock from a concept by Education Director Krista Cornish Scott, this fabric can be ordered by the yard directly from www.spoonflower.com with a portion of the sales going to ICAN.  One yard of fabric makes three support […]

Birth Stories

Birth stories are important, for remembering and healing. Last year we posted 46 birth stories during Cesarean Awareness Month. Click here to read them. Let us know what touches you. Want to have your birth story posted on this blog? Email it to blog@ican-online.org.

Open Thread: Cesarean Awareness

April is Cesarean Awareness Month. The U.S. cesarean rate stands at 32.9%, but some states have rates of more than 40%. “Cesareans are far from the niche occurrence of yesteryear. Every woman in her childbearing years MUST sit up and take notice of this alarming and astonishing rate of surgical delivery,” says ICAN President Desirre […]

ICAN Conference in the News

ICAN’s upcoming conference (April 8-10) was recently featured in the St. Louis Post-Dispatch. While the conference will cover issues, such as caring for a Caesarean scar, legislative advocacy and delivering breech babies, the weekend will focus on educating women and health-care professionals about the latest evidence regarding vaginal births after Caesareans, said conference director Maureen […]

Buy Healing Art, Support ICAN!

Amy Swagman is a mother, doula, and fine artist in Denver, CO.  For the month of April in honor of Cesarean Awareness Month she will be donating 10% of all sales to ICAN, plus 20% of sales from her pieces on cesarean, healing, and VBAC. Amy will also be speaking on birth art and activism at […]