July 2011

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Ricki Lake on Good Morning America tomorrow

Just a heads up for everyone.  Tune in (or set your DVRs) for the second hour of Good Morning America tomorrow featuring Ricki Lake on a piece about home birth the program will be covering.  If you can’t catch it live or record it, head over to their page to catch the video recording after […]

Announcing ICAN's New Vice President!

The members of the ICAN Board are very excited to announce Melody Thompson (former Development Director) as the new Vice President. She is incredibly bright, motivated, gifted, caring, and dedicated to serving. We look forward to supporting her in her growth in her new position for you, the ICAN family, and the organization as a […]

HealthGrades 2011 Obstetrics & Gynecology in American Hospitals Full Report

Earlier this week, we posted a link to a story about the new study that found a new 34% high for the cesarean rate in America.  The full report has been published and is available for review here.  The report includes a ranking of the best hospitals in the nation for both maternity care and […]

Twenty Louisiana hospitals put a stop to preterm elective births

As promised in yesterday’s post, here comes the news of 20 Louisiana hospitals who are also deciding to put a stop to preterm elective births.  You can read the full story here. According to the article, the hospitals made the decision at the urging of Health Secretary Bruce Greenstein.  Not only is the decision expected […]

NPR covers the push to limit preterm elective deliveries

It’s been all over the news lately–in the past week, I brought you the story of Banner Hospital in Arizona banning elective cesareans and inductions before 39 weeks (and stay tuned for a post about 20 Louisiana hospitals doing the same!).  Now NPR is covering the efforts some doctors, and the March of Dimes with […]

New high for cesarean rates according to a new study

Published on Today’s website is an article discussing a newly published study which found, in 2009, the cesarean section rate hit an all time high of 34%.  While the article includes a questionable statement–“A C-section is necessary to remove the baby from the uterus….when a prior C-section makes vaginal delivery difficult or dangerous”–it also does […]

On Induction of labor

Yesterday, Rachel Reed at Midwife Thinking wrote an excellent post detailing the steps of an induction, as well as the “why” of each step of the induction.  She does a great job giving a descriptive explanation of the steps of an induction (and there’s a link to a post she wrote on the risks of […]

Activism and You

I’m curious to hear about others’ experiences with activism within their communities and whether you feel being involved with ICAN and the resources we provide has encouraged you to be a more outspoken activist than you otherwise would be. I tend to be a very introverted person–I was a pretty shy child and even as […]

In case you missed it

July 5, Shari Criso hosted a live (at the time) 2 hour discussion on her weekly web TV show entitled “Cesarean Births in America.”  Joining her were Gina Crosley-Corcoran of The Feminist Breeder, Jill Arnold of The Unnecesarean and ICAN’s own President, Desirre Andrews.  A really wonderful show with lots of information sharing and stimulating […]

Oregon hospital attempting to reduce rate of cesarean births

An article published earlier this week details the steps Oregon Health & Science University is taking to reduce the number of women undergoing cesarean sections for delivery of their babies.  The hospital’s current rate of cesarean–about 1 in 3–is on par with the national average.  Care providers at the hospital, in an attempt to reduce […]

Banner Hospitals ban elective cesareans and inductions before 39 weeks

A buzz was created when the news broke that Banner Hospitals in Phoenix, Arizona have set in place a policy banning elective cesareans and inductions before 39 weeks to take effect starting in mid-July of this year. The hospital made the decision based on evidence which showed that it is healthier for baby to be […]