August 2011

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New recommendations from ACOG in effort to reduce maternal mortality due to blood clots after cesarean delivery

An article released yesterday on HealthCanal covers ACOG’s recent press release recommending that women undergoing cesarean deliveries receive preventive treatment to prevent blood clots, including the use of inflatable compression devices on the mother’s legs before delivery as well as treatment with anticoagulants for women who have a history of venous thromboembolism (VTE), a history […]

Coming Full Circle: Healing after a CBAC by Catherine Harper

Today’s post is authored by Catherine Harper, a former teacher, forum moderator for ICAN, wife and mother to two very active boys. Like most cesarean moms, the story of my VBAC-turned-CBAC begins with the birth of my first child.  During my first pregnancy, my husband and I prepared for a natural birth by doing all the […]

ICAN Site Upgrades

Hey, ICAN Blog Readers! I just wanted to let everyone know that the Blog may be going down for a bit soon as we are working on our exciting website upgrade coming soon!  The upgrade is scheduled to start sometime on August 31 and the main ICAN site will be down on September 1 as […]

Elizabeth's HBA2C

Today, I’m honored to share with you the story of Elizabeth’s HBA2C.  Her whole pregnancy, she said “I just want to be the first one to hold my baby.”  Just last week, on August 11, 2011, she got her wish when her third daughter was born at home in the water. To fully tell my […]

All That Really Matters: Post by Martha B, Publications Director

When discussing the options of VBAC or repeat cesarean section, it is often said that it doesn’t really matter how the baby gets here, as long as the mom and baby are both healthy, but is that completely true?  Yes, a healthy mom and healthy baby matter.  They matter very much.  But what is often […]

Macrosomia not accurately diagnosed by ultrasound data suggests

An article published yesterday revealed the findings of data collected from over 200 pregnancies which were diagnosed with fetal macrosomia based on ultrasound.  These results were reported at the annual meeting of the Society of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists of Canada.  According to the article, the data revealed that only about 1/3 of those diagnosed as […]

Reflecting on "Cesarean Courage"

A couple months ago, a dear friend of mine linked me to this post, entitled “Cesarean Courage.”  It really resonated me with me for so many reasons.  When I was planning our HBAC attempt (and now planning our V/HBA2C for the future), people would often casually remark on how brave I was to be planning […]

More hospitals put an end to early cesarean deliveries

There appears to be a new trend in hospitals–refusing to deliver babies electively before 39 weeks.  On the heels of the news of Banner hospitals putting an end to early elective inductions and cesareans and Louisiana hospitals doing the same, comes the news out of Oregon that seventeen hospitals in the state will also not […]

Kimberly's VBA2C

Kimberly of Labor Trials is sharing the story of her VBA2C baby, born just last month, in a planned HBA2C turned VBA2C.  Her story is an amazing tale of a VBA2C against all odds, and I am so happy to be able to share it with you today. VBA2C: Doing It ‘All Wrong’ I am […]