September 2011

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Article discusses the role of nurses in reducing the rate of elective cesareans

The online site, published a review yesterday of an article recently published in the nursing journal Nursing for Women’s Health.  Click here to read the entire review of the article.  The article focuses on the role of nurses in lowering the rate of elective cesarean deliveries while also exploring the long term ramifications of […]

Fear of childbirth linked to increase in cesareans, new study suggests

The international journal Acta Obstetricia et Gynecologica Scandinavica (AOGS) recently published a study headed by Professor Gunilla Sydsjo, a Swedish professor in the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology at the University Hospital in Linkoping, Central Sweden, which revealed that women who reported a fear of childbirth tended to experience emergency and elective cesareans at a […]

Discussion with Dr. David

Dr. David Berger, MD, FAAP, is the owner and medical director of Wholistic Pediatrics in Tampa, Florida as well as an assistant professor at the University of South Florida College of Nursing. He recently took the time to answer a few questions via email for the ICAN Blog, which are reprinted below. How long have […]

Contributing writers needed!

ICAN is seeking contributing writers for upcoming issues of the Clarion.  If interested, or if you have any questions, please contact the current Clarion editor, Pam Udy, at  The Blog is also always looking for writers interested in contributing.  You can get in touch with ICAN Blogger, Melek Speros, at

ICAN of NE Iowa and Chapter Co-Leader Jennifer Rusch in the news!

Earlier this week, local NBC affiliate KWWL of Iowa ran a report about cesareans.  ICAN of NE Iowa Chapter Co-Leader Jennifer Rusch was interviewed and spoke out about the risks of cesarean sections and her decision to VBAC with her second child.  There is discussion of the risks to maternal health with cesarean sections as […]

Guest Post: Maya Abdominal Massage

Healing the body mind heart with Arvigo Technique of Maya Abdominal Massage after your cesarean section. Delivering your baby via cesarean section is a special event for both mother and baby. As the transition into motherhood reaches a climax with the birth, those who must heal from surgery afterward have added challenges and needs. Maya […]