November 1, 2011

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Kelli's CBAC Story

After the birth of my first daughter, I found myself on a journey.  It was a journey of self discovery, and as cliché as that sounds (Aren’t all journeys a way to discover yourself?) it was a means of healing through action.  I needed to heal after giving birth for the first time.  I had […]

Karen's CBAC Story

I had a CBAC May 25, 2010 at 7am. I have never written his birth story. I am sad, disappointed, let down, confused, bitter, angry- all of the above. I studied and changed doctors and read.  I will never hold a baby in my arms directly after birth.  I will never have that pure bliss […]

Sarah's CBAC Story

I knew nothing when I had my first daughter except that I wanted to do it as naturally as possible.  I knew my cycle was 35 days and that the due date that they get from the little wheel was wrong but since the ultrasound wasn’t different they went with it.  Even so, when I had […]

Christine's CBAC Story

Not So Sweet Thinking back, I probably started thinking about my VBAC at my 6 week post partum check up. My first son’s birth was not what I expected & immediately after, I knew that I was naÔve going into it. I found out I was pregnant with Logan in September of 2007, then I […]

Chloe's CBAC Story

There was no real drama surrounding my first two caesareans, no recriminations, no disappointment. I didn’t know any other way.  The doctors told me with my first that I was simply choosing where I had stitches, as my baby was so huge and I was so small I would certainly have to be sewn up […]