November 3, 2011

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Teresa's CBAC Story

The Birth of Ella Rose As I’m preparing to write this, I find myself thinking how ironic it is that I am writing this.  I began my birthing career with a one track mind – natural birth.  Anything other than that was somehow not equal.  It was less than, in my mind.  So, it’s somewhat […]

Kristen's CBAC Story

An Empowered CBAC It seems that in birth circles everyone is excited about a good VBAC story.  In case you don’t know, VBAC stands for a Vaginal Birth After Cesarean.  This is not one of those wonderful VBAC stories.  In fact, some might call it a failed VBAC story.  However, I am going to call […]

Ami's CBAC Story

Reflections on C-Section #3 At the end of August I promised another post about my birth story, as I had more thoughts on it that I wanted to share.  As I’m sure you can imagine, I’ve been busy.  But, ICAN is looking for CBAC stories (c-section birth after c-section) and I wanted mine to be […]

Carmen's CBAC Story

Thank you for providing me the opportunity to share my story. I’ve never actually written it out and I’m hoping this will help me today as I’m feeling especially down. In 2009 I was pregnant with my first daughter, I was uneducated and ignorant about birth.  I trusted my doctors without question and didn’t even […]

Kandie's CBAC Story

My Birth Story 2010 After the birth of my daughter in 2004 did not turn out at all had I had naively thought it would, I was determined to have a different outcome when I became pregnant again five years later. Not wanting to repeat the same mistakes the second time around, I armed myself […]