November 4, 2011

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Birth After CBAC: VBAC After CBAC by Martha Basham

VBAC after CBAC ~ knowing your options Like many women who become pregnant after having had 2 cesareans, I didn’t know I had any alternative but to undergo another cesarean with my third daughter.  My first daughter was delivered by cesarean.  With my second I had tried for a VBAC but it ended in CBAC, […]

Birth After CBAC

Today’s post includes articles written by Chloe Bayfield on the subject of emotionally preparing for another birth after your CBAC and Heidi Thaden-Pierce, writing on the subject of birth plans for a cesarean birth, should you face another CBAC. Emotionally Preparing for Birth after a CBAC by Chloe Bayfield I think that one of the […]