November 5, 2011

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Rebecca's CBAC Story

On June 3, 2009 at 5:12 am Aaron Wilson Quintana was born via CBA5C. The following is my recollection of how my labor and birth proceeded.  In places I have inserted the view points of my doula (offset in bold). My labor started (ON IT’S OWN!! woohoo) around 3:30 am on June 2nd with mild […]

Steff's CBAC Story

Life After A C-Section or Two With my oldest son, I was pregnant at 31 and newly married.  For being a little older first time mom I was blessed with a nearly picture perfect pregnancy.  Right up until the last week, when I gained almost 24 pounds and my blood pressure shot up.  My doctor […]

Angel's CBAC Story

Nikolai Xavier’s Birth Story 7/5/11: 42 wks 6 days pregnant with my 2nd child; planning a HBAC; hired Karen an out-of-state CPM to increase my chances of HBAC; drove to Hershey, Pa for a BPP showed low fluid (2 cm). Karen suggested I have a NST, so I went to the recommended VBAC friendly Heart […]

Heather's CBAC Story

I set out on my pregnancy journey determined beyond all deterrmination to have a VBAC (vaginal birth after cesarean). My little princess had other plans… During week 40 of my pregnancy, we found out that Alex was going to be deploying for Iraq any day. We really wanted to have the baby here in time […]

Lauren's CBAC Story

As soon as I found out I was pregnant with my second son, I knew I wanted a VBAC.  Unfortunately, things didn’t pan out that way.  My first mistake was that I stayed with my OB/GYN group instead of switching to midwives.  I wasn’t even aware that midwives existed until I joined my mom’s group […]

Christina's CBAC

Stuck at ten…again Pre Labor I did everything I could do to stack the cards in my favor for a VBAC. I fired 2 different OB groups, joined ICAN Westchester, NY and started seeing a group with 2 OBs and 6 midwives 40 minutes north of me. I found an amazing hospital, Hudson Valley Hospital […]

Dessiree's CBAC–En Espanol!

Very excited to bring you the story of Dessiree’s CBAC from Mexico.  Dessiree is a member of ICAN of Queretaro, Mexico and her CBAC story was written up on Amormaternal, in an interview conducted by Louma.  The direct link to the interview can be found here (reprinted with permission on the ICAN Blog).  Directly underneath […]