Angel's CBAC Story

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Nikolai Xavier’s Birth Story

7/5/11: 42 wks 6 days pregnant with my 2nd child; planning a HBAC; hired Karen an out-of-state CPM to increase my chances of HBAC; drove to Hershey, Pa for a BPP showed low fluid (2 cm). Karen suggested I have a NST, so I went to the recommended VBAC friendly Heart of Lancaster Hospital. drank a protein smoothie and ate a bagel and went to the hospital around 7 pm for a NST & another BPP. Baby scored a perfect 8 out of 8 on the NST, but the midwife and OB in the hospital were concerned with low fluid (4.7 cm now) and wanted to induce tonight. discharge would be AMA, so I decided to stay and try for a VBAC. called Karen and she agreed we should induce with a Foley bulb. we compromised to get a good night’s rest and start in the morning since this was such an emotionally draining day. Mike (my husband) went home to sleep with Vladimir (my 21 month old) and called his parents to come down to help out watching Vlad. i didn’t get much sleep. being on fluids and about 43 wks pregnant, I was up hourly to use the bathroom. i also had constant monitoring. i hoped labor would start on it’s own.

7/6/11: Susanna (Karen’s student midwife) arrived at the hospital around 6 am to be with me through the induction process. They inserted a Foley bulb and i moved around as best as i could on the constant monitor to try to start labor. Mike brought up blueberry pancakes and we tried to get things moving. I only experienced a few contractions and we discussed starting low dose Pitocin and stopping it once my body was under way with labor.  Dr. Mike made me cry when he tried to bully me into signing a consent for a repeat c/s. he said I could sign it or transfer to another facility. After speaking to a midwife (Terri) she said that I only had to sign this form b/c I was hoping for a VBAC. We agreed to sign (the only way they would move on with the induction) and start the Pit around 3. We had a U/S done to confirm health of baby, which showed very low fluid (back to 2 cm despite being on IV fluids all night). U/S showed baby was posterior so Susanna and I worked on positions to try to turn the baby. I also took KaliCarb. Around 4 Dr. Mike came back in and showed 2 decelerations on the monitor strip and said that he wasn’t comfortable with starting Pit and I needed a C/S. mike was on his way to the hospital, so we discussed questions with Terri. I did not want Dr. Mike to perform the surgery and was pleased when the hospital said they had already called in Dr. Stone to do the surgery. We had a chance to talk with everyone who would be in the room and possible scenarios with the Pediatrician (post-date baby possibilities). Susanna and Mike were both able to attend the C/S. I was feeling calm and more comfortable by the time they wheeled me to the OR. It was a pleasant atmosphere inside the OR and our baby boy was born at 6:31 pm weighing 7 lb 6 oz on the same date 7/6. 21 in long. Healthy but with no fluid and a cord wrapped around his neck which probably hindered his descent, keeping my body from starting labor. Susanna captured great moments with my camera (that I couldn’t see because of the curtain) including a shot of the hole in my uterus.  I was thankful not to be separated from the baby. I was wheeled back to my room holding him. I was allowed to keep my placenta for encapsulation and Susanna went over the parts of the placenta with me while mike drove home to get Vlad and our parents to celebrate Nikolai’s b-day. Baby latched on right away with a great latch and slept well on me or his dad the 1st few nights.

Recovery from the 2nd was better to an extent (bc I knew what to expect), but I had about 1/2 an inch of incision that was stubborn to heal and the scar overlaps instead of being flat. We made sure I had support having an active toddler and not being able to lift him. I refused pain meds again feeling that the pain reminded me I needed to slow down or not move the way I was moving. We stayed on the 1st floor for the 1st few weeks (which luckily has a full bathroom).

Overall the experience was better then the 1st time and oddly healing. With this birth I knew that I was educated and had tried everything short of UC. I didn’t gain as much weight, ate well, exercised, attended regular chiropractor appointments, hired a CPM who was comfortable with my birth plan, studied Hyponobabies.

For contrast here is my 1st C/S:

Vladimir Sebastian’s Birth Story

Labor began Thursday 10/15/09 at 6 pm as we left the birth center apt (4 hrs after I drank 2 oz castor oil in a vn. milkshake) where we had a NST & U/S that showed b/c we were at 42 wks a home birth would not be a possibility due to U/S finding only 3 cm fluid. baby’s vitals were strong, so M/W attempted to strip my membranes, but cervix was still high, so she inserted a foley catheter (didn’t even hurt) which helped me dilate from 1-4 cm and I believe induced my labor. at M/W suggestion we went home to pack for the hospital. Mike made me really strong RRL tea and I took a shower.

We stopped and ate Japanese food on our way in to the hospital. contractions were 4-5 mins apart (30-45 sec each). Thanks to contraction master on the ipod the early hours of our labor were well recorded. Checked into Eprata Hospital (where my M/W from the Birth Center had birthing rights) around 10:30 pm. it was our first time at this hospital, so i’m glad we found it with help from GPS.

I think that 2nd stage started around 2 am Friday 10/16/09 when i couldn’t sleep through the contractions any more. Hot tub helped with pain. at 6 am i was 4 cm dilated, 80% effaced, -1 position. We called our friends who assisted us and they arrived around 8:30 am. We tried every position and i found standing to help a lot. M/W started Pitocin to help progress labor.

I think late Friday is where everything becomes a blur. I remember thinking I was in Virginia although I knew I was only 30 mins away from my home in Pa. I think I was 6 cm and handling contractions well with the help of my team. at 9 pm I was 9 cm totally effaced with just a bit of the cervix hanging on. this is where labor began to become very difficult. No more talking/singing through contractions. My water broke, clear fluid. I didn’t know it but my Pitocin was increased to 13 (i stopped paying attention to the increases at 8). My m/w introduced me to a dr. who allowed me to continue to labor and said she would check back with me Saturday morning.

Saturday 6 am (after 36 hours of labor) everyone is sad to see dilation hasn’t improved since 9 cm. I’m exhausted after enduring Pitocin contractions all night. M/W says she and dr. recommend c-section. Dr. said that I was too small to have the baby, which I disagreed with and talked to her about stitching me up right so I could have a VBAC next time. everyone is disappointed, but I feel as though I did all I could to try and turn the baby. I’m prepped and in and out of the OR in no time. Vladimir was born @ 10/17/09 7:22 9lbs 22 inches (big for 1st baby, but he is a day over 42 weeks). dr. changed her original diagnosis and said the baby was face presenting and wouldn’t have been able to reposition himself for a natural birth.

I was angry after the birth, especially after reviewing the high statics relating Foley bulb to C/S. I mourned the loss of the HB I had been planning. Luckily I didn’t have any complications with the C/S. Breastfeeding was difficult to establish, but my milk came in after 5 days and we worked out Vlad’s deep latch.

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