Campaign in many Michigan hospitals aims to reduce number of unnecessary cesarean sections

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The Detroit Free Press released an article online this week about a project seeking to reduce the number of medically unnecessary cesareans in Michigan hospitals.  Although results are still preliminary, hospitals are reporting better Apgar scores and fewer newborns requiring special care after birth.  Dr.  Charles Cash, Obstetrics Director at Oakwood Hospital and Medical Center, revealed in the article that his goal is to reduce the percentage of cesarean deliveries in his hospital to 17%. Henry Ford Hospital’s service chief of women’s health services, Dr. Marc Lewis, also reported a goal of 25-27% for cesarean deliveries.  According to the article, the project has focused on education about the benefits of waiting for birth to happen spontaneously.

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One Response

  1. I think its great that more and more drs are getting away from c sections. My first was a unnecessary c/s in my opinion. I was not allowed to move around during labor and being a first time mom, I didn’t know any better. My second was also a c section due to a breech presentation.

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