December 2011

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Happy Holidays from ICAN!

On behalf of ICAN, we would like to wish everyone a very happy and healthy holiday season.  We would also like to take the time to discuss induction of labor, since the holidays seem to be a popular time for labor induction in many women. When necessary for the health of mother and baby, induction […]

California Maternal Quality Care Collaborative White Paper December 2011

Authored by Elliott Main, MD, Christine Morton, PhD, David Hopkins PhD, Giovanna Giuliani, MBA, MPH, Kathryn Melsop, MS and Jeffrey Gould, MD, MPH, a recently released white paper by the California Maternal Quality Care Collaborative posits that the increasing rate of cesarean delivery in the United States should be of serious concern both for financial […]

ACOG Committee Opinion on Cesarean Delivery on Maternal Request

The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists reaffirmed their Committee Opinion originally released in 2007 of cesarean delivery on maternal request in a publication released online today.  The opinion was on the subject of primary cesarean delivery on maternal request with no medical indications for a cesarean delivery–in other words, a first time cesarean delivery […]

Seeking writers of Cesarean Voices

We are currently seeking the original writers for Cesarean Voices.  If your story was included in the book, please contact Martha Basham at as soon as possible! Thank you!