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Kelli's CBAC Story

After the birth of my first daughter, I found myself on a journey.  It was a journey of self discovery, and as cliché as that sounds (Aren’t all journeys a way to discover yourself?) it was a means of healing through action.  I needed to heal after giving birth for the first time.  I had […]

Karen's CBAC Story

I had a CBAC May 25, 2010 at 7am. I have never written his birth story. I am sad, disappointed, let down, confused, bitter, angry- all of the above. I studied and changed doctors and read.  I will never hold a baby in my arms directly after birth.  I will never have that pure bliss […]

Sarah's CBAC Story

I knew nothing when I had my first daughter except that I wanted to do it as naturally as possible.  I knew my cycle was 35 days and that the due date that they get from the little wheel was wrong but since the ultrasound wasn’t different they went with it.  Even so, when I had […]

Christine's CBAC Story

Not So Sweet Thinking back, I probably started thinking about my VBAC at my 6 week post partum check up. My first son’s birth was not what I expected & immediately after, I knew that I was naÔve going into it. I found out I was pregnant with Logan in September of 2007, then I […]

Chloe's CBAC Story

There was no real drama surrounding my first two caesareans, no recriminations, no disappointment. I didn’t know any other way.  The doctors told me with my first that I was simply choosing where I had stitches, as my baby was so huge and I was so small I would certainly have to be sewn up […]

Processing a CBAC

For this first day of CBAC week, our topic is processing your CBAC.  This is such a hugely important, and personal, topic for CBAC moms, and I’m going to present you here with the thoughts of three women–myself, Amy Shireman, and Melissa Tyler-Belmonte–on the issue.  I encourage you to leave comments below or on our […]

CBAC Week!

This coming week will be CBAC week on the ICAN Blog!  We will be featuring posts specific to CBAC births as well as CBAC birth stories. Monday, we will be discussing processing your CBAC, Wednesday we will talk about doulas and CBAC, and Friday will be devoted to birth after CBAC.  Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday […]

Calling all CBAC moms!

Hey all, I’m working on a CBAC themed week for the ICAN blog and I’d love to hear from some fellow CBAC moms.  I would love to hear your birth stories, as well as possible guest posts related to having a CBAC (emotional prep work, physical support, doulas with CBACs, processing after your CBAC, etc). […]

Cesarean birth rate rising in the OC

The Orange County Register released an article online today reporting that cesareans are on the rise in the California county, according to the county’s Health Care Agency’s recently released report, entitled, “Complications in Pregnancy and Childbirth in Orange County,” which includes an analysis of data from hospitals in the county.  The article discusses the increased […]

Possible link between placenta protein and preeclampsia discovered

The New York Times reports today on a new study released recently in the journal Reproductive Sciences linking placenta protein 13, known as PP13, and the development of preeclampsia.  Scientists conducting the study hypothesize that a complex game of survival between mother and placenta results in secretion of the protein from the placenta in an […]

VBAC in Florida: A qualitative study

Published today, a study conducted by Kim J. Cox explored the perspectives of both obstetricians and midwives in Florida on VBAC.  Interviewed were eleven OBs, 12 midwives and a hospital administrator.  The abstract of the study notes that less than 1% of Florida women with a previous cesarean will VBAC.  The goal of this study […]