Home » 2012

Advocacy Project–ICAN ladies, we need your help!

Are you pregnant or did you recently have an HBAC (or plan an HBACthat ended in a CBAC) in an area that is not friendly to VBACs? Weneed stories from HBAC moms, CBAC moms (who planned an HBAC) or moms planning HBACS in areas where; 1) hospital policy prohibits VBACs and2) the state legislation either […]

Kelly's VBAC of Kathleen

Like most women who VBAC, my birth story begins with the birth of my son a little less than three and a half years prior to the birth of my daughter. While I wasn’t exactly ignorant of the birthing process with him, I trusted that I would be able to deliver him without a cesarean. […]

Tonya's HBAC of Kaia

For months and months I have dreamt of this moment. The moment when my daughter would be here and I would be able to say that I did it. I had my home birth after cesarean. I imagined what my birth story would contain and couldn’t wait to write it. And now that the time […]

Holly's 2VBAC of Avery

Saturday, November 3rd , I was 2 days past my “due date” and ready to try and get things moving. When I was pregnant with my son I took castor oil and went into labor that night, so once again I plugged my nose and chugged down a glass of orange juice and that ever […]

Nikki's VBAC of Joshua

So it all started the evening of November 6th!  As soon as my husband walked through the front door from work/school the contractions started! At first they weren’t very strong or consistent, but then I shortly realized that as time moved on I was having to breathe through them. I’m pretty terrible at timing contractions […]

Upcoming online support chat–October 26th!

Our next online support chat will be Oct 26th at 9pm EST. We will be using a text-based chat room to serve those who are unable to utilize the webinar software. This will be a free ICAN online support meeting! To join, register as a user on the ican-online.org home page. Then, on the night of the […]

Jeanette's (nearly) 12 pound VBAC of Quinn!

Quinn Keith Albright Born September 28, 2012 at 4:25pm 11 pounds 15 ounces 22” long 15.25” head circumference, 15.75” chest   Preface: This birth was by me, for me.   This birth story is about me.  The mother of 4.  The wife of Aaron.  The woman of strength and self doubt.  Of determination and defeat.  […]

October Online Support Meetings

Mark your calendars for two upcoming online support meetings hosted by ICAN Education Director Krista Cornish Scott.  The first will be October 12 at 9 PM EST using the Meetingburner Audio webinar support chat.  The second will be held on October 26, also at 9 PM EST using the Board chatroom visual support chat system. […]

Carol's VBAC of Joanna Noelle

Joanna Noelle’s Birth Story September 26, 2012 5:51 PM 8lbs, 14oz. 21 ½ Inches, 15 inch head circumference Background: In May of 2007 I gave birth to my first daughter Melanie Beth via C-section after a failed induction (failure to wait) at 40 weeks 2 days gestation. I was induced at 2 cm and with […]

ICANers at Improving Birth rallies across the country!!!

Nichole (St Charles co-leader), Ruthie (St Louis co-leader) and Brooke (St Louis member) in St. Louis Emily & her HBAC baby in Rockford, Illinois Christie in Tampa Bay, FL and her HBAC baby after a + cesaran scar.  Christie says, “After my cesarean, I found ICAN and the support and wisdom I gained from the […]

Freedom for Birth: a documentary

We want to share with you our excitement about a new documentary thatreframes childbirth as the most pressing global Human Rights issuetoday. There are 1000 planned screenings premiers, in 51 countries,in 17 languages to launch the movie all over the globe on the sameday–Thursday 20th September 2012 . It it our hope that our members,chapter […]

ICAN Supports The National Rally For Change!

On Labor Day, September 3, 2012, over 100 cities across all 50 states will host rallies to show support for improving birth practices in the United States. These rallies, hosted by ImprovingBirth.org, have quickly gained widespread viral support and the International Cesarean Awareness Network (ICAN) is proud to support our members’ and chapter leaders’ participation […]