Thirty Years of ICAN!

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In 2012, we are celebrating ICAN’s 30 year anniversary! We are very excited and we have big plans for celebrating our anniversary this year.  We will be celebrating with theme months all year long, so stay tuned to the Blog for many exciting things to come.

Starting Monday for the first month of our celebration, we will begin featuring 30 blogs we love and we think you will too.  Tune in then and feel free to share your favorite ICAN friendly Blogs below!

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3 Responses

  1. Wow. It’s amazing how ICAN has grown. We’ve come from a group of scarred moms sitting in Esther’s living room, to Esther and I typing, cutting and pasting CPM’s (Cesarean Prevention Movement) first Clarion while nursing Katie (Esther) and Molly (me), to a world wide nonprofit that has helped thousands of women.
    Congratulations to us all for all the good ICAN has done, is doing, and will continue to do!

  2. Thank you wonderful women so much! I cannot tell you how much inspiration I got from watching ICAN videos on YouTube while preparing for my VBAC. I had my first child in March 2008, and it was, I am 99% sure a completely unnecessary c-section. “Failure to Progress”. I did so much research after that and watched so many inspiring videos of such strong amazing women going through the same thing I was and their successful VBAC stories. I spent a lot of nights just watching those and crying. Reading so many inspiring stories and researching so much information about unnecessary csections, doulas, vbacs, natural birth. I had my second child June of last year, she is 7 months old. What a WONDERFUL amazing experience. Had a doula and a wonderful midwife and had a completely natural VBAC!!! Soooo empowered, so proud. So inspired, now I find myself filled with all this information and experience that I want to share with people. I need to empower and inspire some women! I am a stay at home mom right now, and strongly considering becoming a doula and child birth educator. I desperately want to be involved in this amazing organization. I am in the North Shore area of MA. I have tried to contact the ICAN chapters for Boston and Middlesex but have not gotten very far. Would LOVE to start a North Shore chapter, but don’t know where to start. Thanks again ladies. Hope to hear from you soon 🙂

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