Celebrating 30 Years of ICAN: 30 Blogs We Love–Small Blogs! Blogs Your Probably Don't Know

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Here are 5 small blogs you may or may not have come across just yet, but which we think you’ll really enjoy!

  1. Birth Activist–Blogging began at this site in 2006, and “is run by several bloggers who think birth is a very important event,” which is made evident in their posts, including topics ranging from celebrity births to birth poetry and birth stories.  The authors touch on a wide variety of current, relevant topics including breastfeeding and induction.  In the past, they hosted educational webinars.  It is clear that they strive to inform their readers and keep them up to date on current birthing issues.
  2. The Trial of Labor–This talented blogger shares her thoughts on a wide variety of birth related topics.  She is poignant, honest and captivating in her writing.  Her post entitled “A Birth Snapshot:  Two Weeks Ago Today” is an honest and touching look in to the heart and mind of a very pregnant woman who was working really hard for her VBA2C.  Read “Against All Odds: Gillian, VBA2C” and you certainly will want to return and read her full birth story and all of her future posts!
  3. The Truth About Traumatic Birth–A compilation of several thoughtful and raw posts which look at that often overlooked and ignored aspect of birth.  These selections handle beautifully a subject which, to some, is controversial, all while sharing links, insights, quotes and stories that are helpful and insightful.
  4. Road To Home Birth After Multiple Cesareans–The personal blog of our very own ICAN blogger! Her honesty and openness are among the qualities that make her blog one we keep going back to.  Her knowledge of birth, compassion for women and eloquent writing style make her blog most enjoyable to read.  Follow her now as she has the honor of attending births and keep an eye on her as she chronicles her journey to her own VBA2C.
  5. Mother’s Advocate–A quick glance at the categories on this blog will give you a run down of the wide variety of topics it covers.  From breastfeeding, labor and interventions, to support, midwives, and, of course, VBAC, this blog often utilizes experienced members of the birth community as guest writers.  As a result, their posts are grounded in providing research and fact based information.  The writers clearly have a passion for birth and empowering women to be aware of their options in birth–they state that they “are dedicated to helping expectant mothers have the healthiest, safest, most satisfying birth possible.”

We hope you enjoy discovering these smaller blogs and stay tuned next Monday, when we will be featuring some of our favorite international blogs!

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