February 2012

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Celebrating 30 Years of ICAN: 30 Crafts–New Mom Affirmation Cards

One thing I love about this craft is how very personal you can make it.  The creation of the cards can be a reflection on your own unique style, and the messages you put on the cards can be really personalized to the recipient of the affirmations.  From simple messages like “I am a wonderful […]

Wrapping up Special Scars Week on the Blog

Special Scars Week on the Blog has come to an end.  I would like to take the time to personally thank Jessica Tiderman & Katie G. Perez of Special Scars~Special Women for their collaboration on this very special project.  It’s been an amazing week full of resources, support, information, and beautifully inspiring birth stories from […]

Celebrating 30 Years of ICAN: 30 Crafts–Homemade Pregnancy Tea

One of my favorite pleasures when pregnant with my first was to curl up with a nice cup of red raspberry tea.  I had ordered bulk tea direct from Catherine Young, who founded The Compleat Mother magazine back in the day. She died on September 11th, 2001 of breast cancer.  Every year on a day […]

Courtney's Birth Story

Our first child, Emelie, was born January 19, 2007. It was an amazing experience, the best experience of my life up to that point. It was fairly quick and easy for a first baby, lasting only about 5 hours, but it was pretty intense. In the end, though it was awesome, there were a few […]

Jessica's Birth Story

Kage’s Birth Story I have had 3 c sections; my first was an inverted T incision all of them within 18 months of each other. I have 4.5 year old twins, 3 year old, and an 18 month old. I had no idea I could VBAC no one ever said I could or even mentioned […]

Chloe's Birth Story

Chloe’s story and beautiful pictures are also available at this link. A Birth / Love Story – Background – A brief background – in 2004, I was induced at 40+10 with my first son. The induction was painful, humiliating and terrifying. My epidural did not work entirely leaving me a window of pain next to […]

Cari's Birth Story

It’s some time early morning. Why am I awake? I roll over and look at my phone. 6am. Sigh. I roll back over and notice my back has a slight ache. And then I get a light braxton hick. I find this strange because even though I have been having them, 10 minutes apart for […]

Christina's Birth Story

‎The Birth Of Anthony Sometimes I still cry in the shower…. It’s the only time when I’m alone with my thoughts and they always seem to turn to my births. The tears mostly come along with the memories of my 1st. Its only 4 years later that I dare to wonder, “How I will ever […]

Celebrating 30 Years of ICAN: 30 Crafts–Belly Cast

by Desirre O’Clair Belly masking is a crafty and creative way to honor a mother’s changing body during pregnancy. The time spent sitting for a belly mask can be a valuable introspective time during which a mother can center herself, communicate with her baby, or prepare for the transition that will come when her baby […]

Why VBAC After a Special Scar?

Why VBAC? I asked the women who are on the Special Scars ~ Special Women Facebook group to tell me in 50 words or less why they wanted to VBAC.  Some of them had a hard time with the 50 words or less part, but this is what they had to say. Rowen B – […]

The Emotional Side of Special Scars

The Emotional Side of Special Scars I have been trying to write something about the emotional side of Special Scars for over a year.  It’s been extremely difficult for me.  I started running out of time to get this written for this post, so Katie suggested asking the ladies of the group these questions:  “How […]

Celebrating 30 Years of ICAN: 30 Crafts–Birth Necklace

Birth Necklace by Kelly Fischer Recently one of my dear friends had an amazing HBAC, and as she prepared for her upcoming birth I was honored to organize a blessingway for her which included creating a birth necklace for momma.  I realize not everyone is comfortable with the idea of creating jewelry – so before […]