30 Years of ICAN: 30 Quotes

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“Yes, I do want more women to opt for a VBAC if that’s right for them, because from a public health point of view I think there will be fewer downstream health problems on a societal basis with fewer cesareans.  But on an individual basis, each person has to choose what’s right for them, and no one should be forced into a VBAC or ERCS….What I tell individual women who are struggling with the choice is to ‘try on’ both choices and to remember that they have plenty of time to make their decision….Then when you are ready, take a few weeks and ‘try on’ each choice….Trust yourself to know what you need to do….you’ll be able to make this decision and figure out what you need.”

Well-Rounded Mama, excerpts from a comment left on The Unnecesarean, which was later published in full as a blog post.

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  1. Love this idea of “trying on” options. I know for me, part of preparing for a trial of labor was exploring the real possibility of needing a cesarean in an emergency. It really helped me question and seek information leading me to decide that a vbac was healthiest in my case.

    And w the cesarean rate being 32% in the USA, it would be helpful for a new mom, not just one going for a vbac, to think it through for a cesarean.