Announcement from ICAN

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Redondo Beach, CA, March 20, 2012– It is with great excitement that the International Cesarean Awareness Network (ICAN) announces Melody Thompson as ICAN’s new President, effective immediately.  Melody has served on the Board of Directors as Development Director and most recently as Vice President.  She also co-leads the ICAN of Orlando, Florida chapter, and has previously served as ICAN’s Fundraising Coordinator. She is a devoted wife, mother to two young boys, a freelance website designer, a chess instructor, a former Assistant Behavior Analyst, and has a lifelong history of volunteer work, including service on two other non-profit Boards. Thompson’s experiences, compassion, and commitment make her a valuable resource to ICAN and the families that ICAN serves.

“I am honored and humbled to be entrusted with the task of leading ICAN into the start of its next 30 years. We have much work to do in streamlining our organization, improving our subscriber services, bolstering our support structure to our 170+ Chapters worldwide, and allowing our culture of support and communication to influence our culture of leadership. I’m excited to begin, and I hope many of you will join me in celebrating ICAN’s 30th Anniversary with a renewal of volunteer energy,” says Melody Thompson, ICAN President. “Open a Chapter, step up to a position on the Leadership Team, become a subscriber, or do a small “Mother-Sized” job. Let’s make 2012 the best year yet!” Melody can be contacted at

ICAN would like to extend gratitude to Desirre Andrews, outgoing President.  Andrews will continue to serve on ICAN’s Board of Directors as Treasurer and Immediate Past President.

ICAN offers a variety of educational, support, and advocacy resources online at  ICAN empowers consumers to seek evidence-based care through webinars, white papers, forums, and blog, and provides unique support via local Chapters and social networking sites such as Facebook and Twitter. For information on volunteer opportunities, please visit or send an email to Julie Herr, Volunteer Coordinator at

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2 Responses

  1. Congratulations to ICAN on the vitally important work you do, and on attracting such dedicated, energetic leadership. Much gratitude to Desirre and Melody, who have both worked so hard to educate and support women and medical professionals in their efforts to achieve happy mama’s and healthy neonates! To Melody, best wishes for a most productive tenure!

  2. I’m sick of people making me feel guilty because I had my babies c-section. I’ve been lectured by your kind of people, who have no idea why I had it done. Stay out of peoples personal life. I bet your the same bunch that picket womens health clinics…