Olivia's Birth Story–A whole lot of surprises!

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Telling the story of my most recent birth requires the telling of the one that preceded it.ย  They are so intimately connected that they have become parts of the same story.

My pregnancy with my firstborn, Bruin, was wonderful.ย  I really liked most of the doctors who made up my OB team, and felt confident about the upcoming birth.ย  Prenatal visits were spent mostly in the waiting room, followed by about ten minutes with one of the doctors, and that was fine with me.ย  I went into the birth with the mindset that whatever they wanted to do, they could do, because they were professionals after all, and the end result of a healthy baby was โ€œall that mattered.โ€ย  So I was fully on board with whatever they recommended.

At 40 weeks and 3 days, I was on the toilet at about 2:30 in the afternoon to pee and felt a little pop and heard a โ€œglug glugโ€ sound.ย  There wasnโ€™t much fluid, but I figured this had to be my water breaking.ย  I called the obstetricianโ€™s office, and got the answering machine- I was so nervous that I left the wrong call-back number, and when I called to correct it, I left it wrong again!ย  They found the correct number in my file.ย  Of course they said to come in right away.ย  I waited until my husband, Garrett, got home from work (around 5:30) to tell him, and away we went!

We got there at about 6:30 and told them that although I wasnโ€™t having any contractions, I suspected my water had broken.ย  They checked me over in the ER and paged my OB.ย  My favorite was on call, and I felt relieved when he walked into the room and gave me a test to see if I was leaking amniotic fluid.ย  The strip came back inconclusive so he brought in an ultrasound machine to check amniotic fluid levels.ย  We saw Bruin sucking his fingers!ย  The ultrasound said that there was still plenty of fluid (what should have probably been my cue to head home), but that there was maybe possibly a small leak.ย  He said that since I was over 40 weeks, weโ€™d โ€œleave the hospital with a baby.โ€ย  We were ecstatic and started calling family to inform them of the induction.

I was officially admitted around 8:30 pm, hooked up to an IV and fetal monitor, and the Pitocin was started.ย  Since my water was โ€œpossiblyโ€ broken, I was ordered to stay in the bed.ย  Our families arrived soon, but not a lot was going on.ย  I was dilating steadily, but still wasnโ€™t really feeling contractions.ย  When I reached 4cm, the doctor came in to rupture what was โ€œleft ofโ€ my membranes to speed things up, since I had been on the highest dose of Pitocin for a long time with not much progress.ย  I wasnโ€™t in any pain until this point, but about 10 minutes later it got intense so I requested an epidural.ย  I went from having no painful contractions to a constant one so quickly I didnโ€™t know how to deal with it.ย  But still, I wasnโ€™t worried, and the epidural felt so amazing.ย  They continued to check me, and a couple of times Bruinโ€™s heart rate fell during a contraction (which again I didnโ€™t realize was perfectly normal, especially with Pitocin) and they put me on oxygen.

At about 3:30, on September 30th, I was told I was 10 cm and fully effaced and could start pushing as soon as the doctor got there.ย  He was in surgery and so another OB came to check me.ย  Interestingly he was the only one of the four doctors I wasnโ€™t comfortable with, and he was the one to say he didnโ€™t know what the nurse was talking about- according to him I was maybe 6 cm.ย  Heโ€™d have the other doctor check me as soon as he was available.ย  Nurses came in and out, and Garrett, my mom and I were all pretty confused.ย  The other doctor came in finally and said he thought I was 10 cm, and to start pushing.ย  So my mom- at my request- called my sisterโ€™s cell phone to have everyone in the waiting room listen as the baby arrived.ย  But after about an hour, still nothing was happening.ย  The baby wasnโ€™t descending.ย  And about 30 minutes later, my contractions stopped.ย  Completely.ย  The doctor actually left to attend to someone else since my pushing was going so slowly, and was out of the room when this happened.ย  The nurse told me just to push when I felt like it, even if I wasnโ€™t having a contraction.ย  Eek.ย  I didnโ€™t know how bad an idea this was, and continued pushing with all I had, determined to get Bruin out.ย  It was around this time, when I was making absolutely no progress and had no idea what was holding me up (um, a steady stream of interventions and lying flat on my back for almost 24 hours maybe?), that I heard the woman in the room beside me, who had just been admitted, birth her baby. ย The ecstasy in her voice was heartbreaking to me.ย  I felt like giving up.ย  I was so exhausted, and not any closer to holding my baby.ย  The doctor came back finally, and said, after 2.5 hours of stalled labor, that he recommended a c-section.ย  He said he โ€œrarelyโ€ made that recommendation, but that in my case he felt it was necessary.ย  He said, โ€œYou knowโ€ฆ youโ€™ve got a lot of people out there in that waiting roomโ€ฆ theyโ€™re all tired… and youโ€™re tired.โ€

My mom was made to leave; I got a new epidural for the cesarean, and was wheeled into the OR.ย  Garrett joined me after a bit, and we listened while the anesthesiologist explained what was going to happen.ย  The surgery began and I drifted in and out of sleep.ย  This epidural was making me feel differently than the first did, and I was exhausted and shaking.ย  We were told that Bruinโ€™s head was incredibly stuck in the birth canal, and instead of just pulling him out, they had to use forceps to force him back up through the birth canal, which caused a lot of bruising and swelling on his head and face, and a lot of pain for me later.ย  It kind of felt like having a tooth extracted- not how I expected to describe the birth of my son.ย  At 6:30 pm, almost exactly 24 hours after we checked into the hospital, Elliott Osker Bruin was born.ย  We were told he was blue, and didnโ€™t get to see him for a few minutes while they pinked him up.ย  I kept hearing what a โ€œhugeโ€ baby he was- at 8 lbs 9 oz and 21 inches long, he was hardly a whopper.ย  He was brought to me fully swaddled for literally about 5 seconds before he was taken to the nursery (followed diligently by his daddy) while I remained zonked in the recovery room.

I donโ€™t remember seeing him for the first time.ย  I also donโ€™t remember holding him for the first time, which was about 3 hours after he was born.ย  And, although it was so important to me, I canโ€™t recall how it felt to nurse him for the first time.ย  Even though we had been separated for so long, he latched like he had always known how, and I am still thankful.

My recovery was long and difficult.ย  Although I wasnโ€™t diagnosed with it, I am certain I had some form of PPD.ย  It took me a long time to realize that a huge part of this was because of the birth situation.ย  I went into it not caring how he was born, and when it ended up as a cesarean, I told myself- and everyone else- that I would have my next one via c-section as well, since I had pushed and everything, and didnโ€™t feel the need or desire to do that again.ย  I sang the praises of the doctors and hospital who had โ€œsavedโ€ my baby.

It was about a week later, when breastfeeding got really difficult, that I started to feel like a failure.ย  I told Garrett that I must not have been meant to have a baby since my body couldnโ€™t birth without help, and then couldnโ€™t breastfeed either.ย  I was directed to a website by our IBCLC and it opened my eyes to the way I really wanted to parent, and how I wanted to give birth next time.ย  I hadnโ€™t even considered a VBAC, much less an HBAC, until this point.ย  I immediately devoted myself to this new path.ย  Bruin was still about 6 months old, but we already knew what we would do next time.

In February of 2011, I contacted a midwife about a consult.ย  I was pregnant, but didnโ€™t know it yet- I wanted to be prepared since I knew it would be difficult to find someone near us.ย  I was unable to find anyone willing to assist me in a HBAC in our area, and the closest was about 1.5 hours away.ย  She agreed to take us on, and I am so thankful.ย  Between the time I arranged the consult and the appointment, we found out I was pregnant, and so I was even more relieved to have found a midwife, and one that I genuinely like, at that!ย  The team consisted of our midwife, apprentice, and assistant.ย  I cannot emphasize enough how valuable these three women are to me, and how wonderfully different prenatal care was this time.ย  Words seem inadequate.

I was measuring consistently ahead in fundal height early on, and just before the mid-point of my pregnancy, my midwife referred me to an obstetrician to have an ultrasound (weโ€™d not planned on having any) to rule out twins, fibroids, excess amniotic fluid, or any other complication.ย  At the ultrasound, we were told there was one baby, no fibroids, and no excess fluid- the doctor said I simply had โ€œa large uterus.โ€ย  So we went with that as confirmation.

At about 2:30 one morning, I had a contraction that woke me from my sleep.ย  This had happened before, so I waited and felt a few more before I grudgingly got up and decided Iโ€™d take a bath to help them stop so I could get some sleep.ย  I went into the bathroom and went to pee (for like the fifth time that night) and turned on the light.ย  I saw that a little blood was in the toilet from sometime earlier, and wiped to see if there was any moreโ€ฆ there was.ย  So I woke Garrett and he called our midwife to tell her what was happening.ย  She said it was probably my bloody show and to take it easy and call her if anything else happened.ย  I tried and tried to sleep, bathe, and just relax to get the contractions to stop.ย  I must have taken five baths in a couple of hours!ย  I was struggling to concentrate on the book I was reading.ย  Bruin woke up at about 5:30 and joined me in the tub.ย  It was at this point that I realized I was having some trouble with the contractions.ย  Garrett started timing them, and they were from 3 to 10 minutes apart, but usually about 5.ย  We figured since they were not particularly regular that I was in false labor, and that, again, I just needed to relax.ย  I called my mom to tell her I was having contractions but that I didnโ€™t think I was in true labor.ย  I told her to go to work and that weโ€™d call her there if anything changed.ย  This was at about 6:30.

We ate some grapes and tried to watch some tv, but I wasnโ€™t super into it, and Bruin was asking to nurse.ย  I knew he would be asking for โ€œmama milkโ€ all day, and that nursing him would bring on more contractions, so Garrett took him to stay with my mother-in-law for the day so I could rest while he went to work.ย  I took another bath, a shower, and tried to lie down and listen to a Hypnobabies cd, but the contractions were too strong for me to really relax.ย  I definitely thought theyโ€™d stop.ย  In fact, I thought theyโ€™d better stop, since Iโ€™d just had the home visit from the midwives on Monday morning.ย  I could have a home birth in 5 days at 37 weeks, but not a day sooner!ย  So I was determined not to be in true labor yet.ย  But when Garrett got home from dropping off our son (at about 8:30) and saw me in the bed, he said we needed to call again and so he did, all while packing a bag.ย  She asked some questions and then suggested we come and meet her to assess the situation and see if I was really in labor or see what we could do to slow or stop it.ย  We left, and on the way, stopped at the store to get more minutes for our cell phone.ย  I had two contractions while he was inside, and we were parked in front of some man sitting in his car, and I was trying so hard to moan softly and not make a crazy face!ย  It was at this point that I remembered that I had cotton balls soaked in lavender oil that Iโ€™d been given at a prenatal visit to lower my blood pressure.ย  I breathed so deeply Iโ€™m surprised I didnโ€™t inhale them!

We drove on, and the contractions were getting more regular and still about 5-6 minutes apart.ย  I finally started to surrender to the idea that our baby would be born soon- in a birth center.ย  I was super disappointed, but trying to get through the contractions as peacefully as possible.ย  We called my sister and mother-in-law to let them know what was going on, and that they should probably plan on making a trip that day.

I was low moaning for a while, but then that stopped working.ย  The whole trip was about an hour and a half, and about 45 minutes into it, my moans got higher pitched and, um, less controlled.ย  We talked about passing a bank, and how weโ€™d definitely make it a few more hours at leastโ€ฆ and then about two minutes later, my water brokeโ€ฆ everywhere!ย  I was finally able to accept that the baby would be born that day, and soon, but we talked and I figured we still had at least a few hours.ย  Garrett called our midwife to keep her updated, and she announced a change of plan- she said to meet her directly at the hospital.ย  She asked Garrett if it was me moaning that she was hearing, and he said it was.

As they were talking, my body gave a tiny involuntary push, and I felt something come up between my legs.ย  My first thought was, โ€œoh, God, the cord.โ€ย  But I knew what an emergency that would be, and thought that maybe, just maybe, I had somehow pooped.ย  So I reached down (with much trepidation) and felt, and it was most definitely cord.ย  I yelled, โ€œThe cord is out!ย  The cord is out!โ€ and my midwife heard me yelling over the phone.ย  She told Garrett to pull over immediately and get me on all fours to take the pressure off the cord, and to call 911.ย  There was, oddly enough, some traffic on the rural highway that morning, but after about a minute, he managed to pull off the road.ย  He got out and threw Bruinโ€™s car seat in the grass (we were, luckily, in front of empty fields on both sides of the highway.ย  It was actually quite a pretty spot) and got me into the back seat, talking with our midwife all the while.ย  She told Garrett to get my chest down and my butt up in the air, and then he called 911.

Somehow Garrett managed to get my shoes and pants off.ย  I could hear him on the phone with the operator and the guy was asking him what he saw, and asking him to feel for a pulse in the cord (he didnโ€™t feel one), and telling him to hold the baby in.ย  By now I was really in itโ€ฆ it was all happening so fast, but I truly was my primal self.ย  The pushing and grunting was happening, whether the 911 operator told me to stop or not.ย  I tried to be compliant, but I couldnโ€™t stop it.ย  There was literally nothing I could do but work with my body and my baby.ย  It was the most beautiful feeling I have ever experienced.ย  I wasnโ€™t scared- I was totally consumed, growling and pushing.ย  At some point, Garrett touched what he said was just the cord, which I shouldnโ€™t have felt, but it was excruciating.ย  Probably the baby made a fluke movement at the exact same, and I tried to donkey-kick poor Garrett.ย  I tried to kick him off again (while yelling, โ€œGET OFF OF ME!!โ€) when the operator told him to flip me onto my back.ย  That didnโ€™t feel right at all, but I tried, and just absolutely could NOT make my body do anything differently than it was doing.ย  It knew exactly what to do, and there was simply no stopping it.ย  I occasionally lifted my head to look out of the window at the trees in the sunshine, and just let my mind go.

About five minutes passed, and I could hear the ambulance coming down the road. ย Garrett said he felt a tap on his shoulder and walked around the back of the car to come be by my head, and by the time he got to my side of the car, the babyโ€™s body was born (they had managed to flip me on my back during that time span, too).ย  I will never forget the feeling of her body coming out all at once.ย  There arenโ€™t words to describe it.ย  I heard the EMT say, โ€œweโ€™ve still gotta get the head out!โ€ and, from all my reading, I knew that it would come, and that we werenโ€™t in any immediate danger, as heads rarely get stuck.ย  But I can understand why they freaked. ย I waited patiently for my next contraction, and out she came, easily, quietly.ย  Calliope Ontario Isis slipped gently from my body into the October sunshine.ย  No one was yelling, and it was actually quite ideal for a birth.ย  She was technically born outside, and I love that, and they immediately sat her on my thigh.ย  She weighed 6 lbs. 3 oz.ย  She was whitish gray and completely floppy.ย  I knew some babies are slow to start, and I wasnโ€™t scared, so I asked, โ€œBoy or girl?โ€ and was told girl.ย  I canโ€™t remember who said it, Garrett or the EMT, but I cried- I thought my heart might explode I was so happy!

She still wasnโ€™t breathing or responding, and I kept asking if she was ok, even though I knew in my heart she was, but no one was saying anything.ย  I tried talking to her in my mind, willing her to take a breath.ย  She didnโ€™t.ย  They began chest compressions and bagged her.ย  After a while, a gulp of air came, but that was it.ย  She was, however, pinking up a little from the bagged oxygen.ย  They kept saying, โ€œShe is breathing on her own, just not enough.โ€ย  At some point they took her into the ambulance to get a reading on her heartbeat (which was strong), and I followed shortly thereafter.

Garrett helped push the stretcher to the back of the ambulance and I was lifted into it.ย  The contractions had stopped and I was feeling euphoric, even though I wasnโ€™t home, wasnโ€™t in the tub, and wasnโ€™t even holding my girlโ€ฆ but I had DONE IT!ย  I had naturally VBACed a breech baby with a prolapsed cord!ย  I would have had another c-section for any ONE of those reasons!ย  So I just laid there and watched Calliopeโ€™s chest rise up and down, and listened to the chatter of the EMTs.ย  One of them asked me which hospital we had been on our way to and I sort of stammered, and he said, โ€œok, closest one it is, then.โ€ย  Someone told Garrett to go ahead and meet us there, that weโ€™d beat him.

Calliope was stable but not breathing entirely on her own yet, and I was doing fine.ย  I knew she was going to be great, and I was thanking my lucky stars that we hadnโ€™t made it all the way to the hospital.ย  The EMTs had to deal with my hormonal euphoria though, and I was talking about 100 miles a minute.ย  They were very good about paying just enough attention to me so that I didnโ€™t feel completely crazy.ย  I apologized for talking so much but they would hear none of it.

Then I started contracting again, and we all assumed it was the placenta.ย  One EMT in particular was talking to me now, and assuring me that Calliope was out of danger, and said, โ€œWell this is a day of firsts.ย  Iโ€™ve been doing this a long time and I have never delivered a baby.โ€ย  The younger guy had delivered one, but only one, and not a breech on the side of the road.ย  The older one asked another EMT to start massaging my belly to help my placenta separate and at about the same time I asked him if delivering the placenta was supposed to hurt so badly.ย  I told him it almost felt like the contractions with the baby, and that I thought the placenta was supposed to hurt less.ย  I was vocalizing low moans at this point.ย  He said, โ€œYeah, probably.โ€

A few contractions later he said it sounded like I was about ready to deliver the placenta, and moved down to check.ย  I was involuntarily pushing again.ย  He lifted the blanket and said, โ€œOh!ย  Thereโ€™s feet!ย  Did you know you were having twins?โ€ย  (Imagine my shock now!ย  Refer back to earlier in this story and note that we had an ultrasound with an OBGYN at the insistence of our midwifery team.ย  My weight gain was normal for one baby.ย  We never felt the second baby when palpating, and we never heard a second heartbeat.ย  But the day before the girls were born weโ€™d had our home visit and they left unsettled.ย  They were actually going to call to tell us that they were no longer comfortable doing a home birth and that we should plan on a birth center birth. They all just knew something wasnโ€™t quite as we suspected, although no one could pinpoint just what it was.)

Io Rumina River was born in just a few pushes, feet first.ย  Unlike her sister, she came out yelling!ย  I got to experience that first cry that everyone wants to hear.ย  I was told, โ€œYou have another little girl!โ€ย  About 8 hours from start to finish, and Iโ€™d had two babies.ย  The ambulance pulled over and the doors opened to another ambulance- they said since Mina was perfect and in good health (weighing in at 5 lbs. 13 oz.) that she would travel on her own.ย  I held her for just a second before they put her in the next vehicle and we drove on.

At this point I donโ€™t remember too much about the ride.ย  I delivered the placenta en route- I asked the EMT if there were any more in there (haha!), and he said no because there were two cords coming from the placenta (it was actually two placentas fused together).

When we arrived at the hospital, they took everything off of Calliope and placed her on my chest for transport up to the NICU and labor and delivery.ย  I remember frantically trying to rub as much of her vernix into her skin as I could because I knew they would bathe her and wash it all off.ย  I got some into her chest and shoulders and I just loved touching her sweet little body.ย  They unloaded us, and Mina was shortly behind, but I was only holding Calliope when we got to the elevator, which is where we met up with my husband.ย  He was quiet, and an EMT said, โ€œDoes he know yet?ย  Oh, man!ย  He doesnโ€™t know yet!โ€ and I looked over and said, โ€œThereโ€™s two.ย  Itโ€™s twins!โ€ย  Garrett didnโ€™t say anything, just looked completely overcome.ย  It was a beautiful moment.

Fast forward a bit- the girls had been put in the NICU as standard procedure because they had not been born IN the hospital and there were questions about labor, etc.ย  Calliope had a little trouble maintaining her temperature, but everything was normal otherwise, and there seem to be no complications from her slow start.ย  Mina was great.ย  Our midwifery team had arrived at the same time we did, and helped and supported us like you canโ€™t imagine!ย  Our midwife was the one who helped me hold both girls simultaneously, and we watched as they explored each other for the first time out of the womb.


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29 Responses

  1. Wow — tears and complete awe! Not sure I should be reading birth stories right now, as I’m still coming to terms with my baby’s Cesarean birth and dealing with PPD, but I can’t help it (doesn’t help that I’m surrounded with pregnant coworkers).

    Regardless, it gives me hope to read about how amazing our bodies really are — congratulations, Olivia, and thanks for sharing your story.

  2. Can’t help but point out all the mistakes in this:

    Your midwife should have some point have sent you back for a second ultrasound. That “large uterus” doesn’t make sense.

    She also should never had told you to come to the birth center when you were clearly going into labor before 37 weeks. She should have sent you directly to the hospital, and she should have told you not to make any stops.

    You all were very lucky to have such a great outcome with breech twins and I’m glad for that–but outcomes do not make up for the lack of care.

  3. WoW! What an amazing story! I laughed – I cried – I gasped – i even felt the joy… I am so happy for you! You are truly blessed! Congrats on your healthy baby girls! AMAZING! Hope Garrett is ready! hehe Great pictures! I would love to see more….

  4. Hello, all- I might not have made some things totally clear:

    We didn’t have a second ultrasound because we didn’t want ANY ultrasounds in the first place. Our midwife required us to have the first one after I measured consistently large, and when we got the “okay” from the ultrasound we went with it. It is not common to measure large because of a big uterus, but it is not unheard of either.

    As far as going into labor, it was unclear to me at first until things really got going, at which point she DID tell us to go to the hospital. The birth center was only recommended in the beginning so that we could try to stall preterm labor, but things went fast. When we left for the birth center, my contractions were strong, but irregular. We maintained near constant contact with our midwife by phone (hence the stop to purchase minutes), and as soon as things changed, she redirected us to the hospital.

    And I’d like to briefly address the “lack of care” comment- perhaps you are misunderstanding something in our story, as nothing could be further from the truth.

  5. I love this story!! My first birth was induced at 41.5 weeks and ended in c-section about 26 hours later. I relate so much to the story of your first birth. I also decided to try for VBAC and am so glad I did! I went on to have two VBACs at the hospital; in March of 2008 and September of 2009. Both times I went into labor on my own, my water broke, and I was amazed that my body knew what to do. My “baby” was the biggest of my three kids, weighing in at 9lbs, 11oz. Funny how the explanation of my first c-section delivery was that baby was just “too big” (9lbs, 7oz). Women are amazing, strong and miraculous. Believing I could do it was so important in my successful. Congratulations on your beautiful family ๐Ÿ™‚

  6. No, you’re misunderstanding the responsibilities of your provider. Sorry, but that’s the truth.

  7. The responsibilities of a provider are to advise, explain, and help the patient develop a healthcare solutions that balances the risks, costs, and benefits within the patient’s tolerances and wishes. If the patient’s plan does not suit the provider they have the right to refuse service, or require waivers from the patient, but their responsibilities have been met. A provider who pushes unwanted or unnecessary procedures, or forces a patient into an unwanted plan is violating the patient’s rights.

  8. What a great story!!!!!!! Congrats!!!! You are AWESOME!!!! They are very precious! I too had a VBAC and it was a wonderful experience! I even got to pull him out myself! (I know you will but) Enjoy your babies!!!

  9. GL… lay off. Her clarification makes it clear that she was being told to go to hospital because it was unclear how quickly labor was coming on. I’ve heard this same thing happen to many moms planning hospital births, where their care provider (not being WITH them) doesn’t realize (or the parents don’t) how quickly things are progressing, and they often will advise to stay home even. This was perfectly good care.
    And as for surprise twins… dude, they happen. ONE ultrasound is actually all that ACOG recommends, so having more wouldn’t have been standard of care. Perhaps you need a little education in what the standard of care IS in the US. I’ve read birth stories of surprise triplets, surprise twins at a cesarean, surprise pregnancies, PERIOD. Doctors and ultrasounds aren’t magic or infallible. If you want to crap on someone’s birth story, go elsewhere.

  10. WOW!!!! That’s such an amazing and wonderful story. I am sooo glad that the twins are doing great and so is mommy ๐Ÿ™‚ Congrats and keep up the good work. Your babies are so precious!

  11. Well, I’d like to ask, how delivering feet first feels, but since you had a c-section first, you don’t have anything to compare it to. I’m glad I got this post. Congratulations!

  12. Beautiful story and congratulations on the adorable little girls.

    P.S. There’s always annoying ones lurking on the internet. ๐Ÿ˜‰

  13. I felt my heart flutter reading this. What an amazing story full of surprises. The best one being that your body works perfectly for building and birthing babies.

  14. Congratulations on your children. Thanks for the descriptive sweet joys of holding them after birthing. My precious baby twins just graduated from college with the same degree and have not been apart for very long…ever. Now I have five more children with the youngest being 5 yrs. old. Twins were born in hospital with midwife and others at home. I am so happy for you that you were able to have the twins in nature and outside to see the handiwork of God. May you be blessed.

  15. What am awesome story! I’d have been pissed about the separation, but I guess there’s only so much you can do! And you did so wonderfully! Thank you for sharing your story ๐Ÿ™‚

  16. What an awesome story. I love hearing stories of God doing his work the way he does. Doctors don’t do magic and miracles happen sometimes. Not only breech, but twins and a prolapsed cord. Beautiful story and proud of you mama. ๐Ÿ™‚

  17. What a blessing! Congratulations! You rock!Looooooooooooooooove the picture. Thanks for sharing your story.

  18. Wow, what a pleasant surprise! Your story is beautiful and so inspiring! I love how everything happened, the timing was perfect if you think about it, if you had ever gotten to the hospital before the babies were born you would have been just another emergency cesarean. You definitely had someone watching over you ๐Ÿ˜‰ Your story is so inspiring, thank you for sharing. I have had a “generous” uterus the last 4 pregnancies, and two were twins, but we had vanishing twin syndrome with one and miscarried another single twin from the second pregnancy at 13 weeks. The last two have been singleton babies (well, I’m pregnant now, so I guess the jury could still be out on this baby), but measured as much as 6 weeks ahead ๐Ÿ˜‰ so the large uterus thing does happen. What a blessing to hold two babies after such an adventure! Congratulations!

  19. anonymous, a lot of us have had hospital births and did not have safe experiences…how one defines “safe” is relative, anyway. Riding in car isn’t “safe,” and yet we do it everyday. Birth isn’t any safer than any other aspect of life. Everything, absolutely everything, has risks in life.

    It’s a question as to WHICH sets of risks someone wishes to take on in any given situation. I, for one, had a homebirth with my second child because I had faced so many risks in the hospital that had to do with the doctor who attended me — I had my records mistaken for those of another patient, for an example of one of many things that went wrong with my birth in the hospital. With my homebirth midwife, I had three ultrasounds, GBS and GD testing, my blood pressure and urine monitored at every visit — JUST LIKE with the OB I saw. Everything was exactly the same in my prenatal care with regards to which tests were recommended and which I accepted, except that my prenatal care was better.

    I very clearly knew the risks of the hospital after having been there—and it was more than just the risk of another c-section in my case — it was avoiding getting my records mixed up and being treated inappropriately among other things. Seriously. My records getting messed up like that could have led to some seriously terrible medical care, but thankfully my husband and I caught it before anything could happen to either me to our son. I won’t take the risk of getting wrong treatment because a medical professional simply mixed up paperwork. I could have chosen those risks again, or I could have chosen the risks of homebirth. I chose the risks of homebirth knowing full well what those risks were and after having been through risks in the hospital.

    I don’t fault women for choosing a hospital setting, and I do sometimes roll my eyes at women who eschew standard pregnancy procedures like ultrasounds and GD testing because *I* happen to think they are important. But some women roll their eyes at me for having had a homebirth.

    It’s just not as simple as saying x is riskier than y.

    Hospitals do not protect against any more risks than homebirths prevent. It’s not a there are MORE risks scenario here. It’s a WHICH RISKS do WHICH individuals choose to accept.

  20. First, thank you for sharing your beautiful story, I loved it. Surprise twins!! ๐Ÿ™‚

  21. Olivia: thank you so much for sharing your beautiful, inspiring story. I want you to know how much joy your births have brought me today, and I am heart happy for you and your family. I would love to know what your son’s reaction was to 2(!) baby sisters!! I’m also curious if you’re tandem nursing 3 children. ๐Ÿ˜‰
    I hope you are able to ignore those who have chosen to take advantage of your openness and use this as an opportunity to promote their agendas and personal biases about birth and midwives.
    Thank you again for sharing this part of your life with us.

  22. Beautiful story! I definitely cried while reading this! I too love my midwives! I’ve had 3 daughters at a birth center and I’m glad I did. I wouldn’t have it any other way, unless of course, I had too.

    Jr, you must be one of those who think everyone should give birth at a hospital with doctors. In some cases it is medically necessary and with a lot of women they are more comfortable that way. In a lot of cases giving birth is not a medical process, its a natural process that women’s bodies are made for. Midwives are skilled professionals. Instead of listening to ignorant people who tell you that women should only give birth in hospitals because any other way is unsafe, why don’t you read up on it instead.

  23. Olivia-Amazing story! As for all of the comments about putting babies or moms at risk the statistics actually support VBAC versus repeat c-section and also support midwivery care over OB for favorable outcomes. A dear friend was given TWO different labor augmenting drugs during her second labor and wasn’t told about either of them. She found out when she was reviewing her medical records when pregnant with her 3rd. Bottom line it’s your body, your baby, and your right to choose how to birth and with whom. I am a mother of seven and left hospital care because I couldn’t stand how invasive and impersonal it was. I’ve had the last 3 babies with a birthcenter and would never turn back. I decide what tests I will have done no one else because it’s my body!

    So way to go Olivia you had an awesome birth team and way to go ICAN for helping woman gain the dignity in birth that they deserve!

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